1.What Steps Will You Take To Reform Vancouver's Electoral system? _______________________________________ Creme De La Creme vs. Bristol Creme De La Bristol Creme: Electoral Reform. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On, the 20th of September potential Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) announced that the snobbish attitudes towards the poorest vs. the towards the wealthiest or so they say (after all the Creme De La Creme of Quincella-Vancouver or Kerisdale seem to need a Public Academy (School, wink).) is a problem that can be solved to avoid those in the middle of it from being hit in the cross fire of class warfare, and this is a system built on Borough based City Advocates and Ward based Borough Councillors. The councillors vote on a legislative bill requested by the Mayor and the Advocates all vote the wishes of the Majority Borough Councillors (who were elected by the wishes of the people, well hopefully) and each Borrough gets one vote; on the same note the Mayor can then get elected by getting the majority of electoral points at one point per borough. Thus eliminating all the tyranny of the majority in Vancouver which oddly enough benefits a really tiny minority. Buday will have a problem taking no for an answer on this one and will use executive power to get it, he doesn't wasn't a re-election under the same system. Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday Candidate for Existential Nomination in Vancouver's Mayoral Election Vancouver, BC ----------------------------------------- 217-2255 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC (SU) V5L 1N7 USA (Frmr. CAN) 604-437-8744 http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Creme_Reform.van02.shtml __________________________________________________________________ I. A Digest Of Issues: Why The Hell Not!; Issue: #72.; Press Release(s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) City Population vs. Votes: Curious. On, the 14th of October, Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) said that he finds it curious that a city with 1.8 Million people would have only about 9.3 thousand registered voters showing up to the polls and suggested either there are improperly announced election results or the lack of open available choices are deterring potential voters and keeping them undecided. This also suggests most people, even on election day are undecided. Mr. Buday thinks that independents need a voice and need more media attention and he also thinks that the ward issue and electoral reform can not be ignored regarding this. http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Buday2002Digestn072.van02.shtml _______________________________________ 2. How Will You Ensure Municiplal Leaders Are More Accountable To Transit Users: _______________________________________ I. A Digest Of Issues: Why The Hell Not!; Issue: #60.; Press Release(s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ii) Partisan Leaders, Partisan Legals, and Partisan Auditors: Even Partisan Media Isn't Good. On, the 10th of October, Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) announced that he thinks it's outrageous to run for Mayor/AM, Governor/Lt., President/VP, or any legal, auditory or executive office would be ridden with partisan political nominations; such offices must be separate of any caucus in any legislative body. Also, the legal branches must be separate of partisan attachments and any branch of government so as to avoid laws being written for other lawyers in and out of government to capitalize off of them. No non-legislators should write and enforce law. No auditors should do anything but be government watchdogs and monitor elections unrelated to an Auditor General or Controller. http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Buday2002Digestn060.van02.shtml _______________________________________ A Digest Of Issues: Why The Hell Not!; Issue: #36. -- Press Release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) If You Can't Take The Heat Go Back To The Kitchen: Women. On, the 02nd of October, Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) suggested that Clarke or any other women seeking the office of Mayor call it quits, because women are not endowed for leadership positions and tend to be nasty and oppressive especially towards women; hence Queen Victoria and George W. Bush Jr.; and he thinks those women should spend more time at the kitchen or at least cooking over his inflammatory remarks. The other options are out of the question, since Mr. Buday finally got that special ointment he needed. Nothing like getting something in Thailand that you can get rid of with one week in Nevada. Mr. Buday's pea brain located somewhere in his pants does not also understand what a women would be doing working anywhere but where brass bars are and men abuse bylaws and women's rights by misconstruing a stripp....oh that's another guy. On any account history has shown that short men, women, cripples and people with malformations that they can't except and men with super ego issues tend to be seriously fucked up leaders. Funny mustaches may relate too. http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Buday2002Digestn036.van02.shtml _______________________________________ http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/0000page.shtml _______________________________________ His Worship: Should Mayor Be Called This? On, the 19th of September potential Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) said, "Who made him God, I mean the Mayor of course, no one! So why is he called or referred to as "His Worship" this is an outrage and has to stop." Mr. Buday has no understanding on why one would even suggest worshiping a politician, and that it was bad enough that any of them be called Honorable on other levels of Government. On other notes he also plans to stop placing councillors or even himself in other government functions, such as a county (GVRD) board, controller or translink board and even may demand that there be elections for any other branch and even councillor votes on executive appointments if it doesn't mix the legislative with the executive too much. Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday Candidate for Existential Nomination in Vancouver's Mayoral Election Vancouver, BC ----------------------------------------- 217-2255 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC (SU) V5L 1N7 USA (Frmr. CAN) 604-437-8744 http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Mayor.Worship.van02.shtml _______________________________________ (v) Public Transit: Private Hands. On, the 24th of September potential Mayoral Candidate (Vancouver, BC; 2002) (possibly Dr) Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt (St.) Franco (Assissi) Buday (Possibly MD) said that he believes that private business should handle transit, if not as a private business on a public-private partnership contract, not based on a Masonic handshake, but based on the merit of the company and business making the bids; not to mention the quality of the bid. Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday Candidate for Existential Nomination in Vancouver's Mayoral Election Vancouver, BC ----------------------------------------- 217-2255 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC (SU) V5L 1N7 USA (Frmr. CAN) 604-437-8744 http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/Buday2002Digestn014.van02.shtml _______________________________________ Leadership is the Mayor's Office, and not a board, and an independent Mayor, not a party mouth piece, not someone with political "friends," of which I have none, I am a political loner, I am unhandled and I can only rely on voter support. I'm not sure how public Transit is, but I can say one thing for sure, I will make sure that at the very least private competition is such matters is availlable. Owner's rights will go a long way here as well, so will the recognition of separation of powers. _______________________________________ 3. How Will You Deal With Social Problems On The Downtown East Side without simply exporting these problems to other neighbourhoods (such ass Mount Pleasant.)? Answer: Some people need more arrests, some need private and competittive health care fascilities that need to do a good job for the sake of keeping business and getting good word of mouth, some problems need urban renewal that can only occur when property rights are recognised; certainly the entitlement nanny state needs to be replaced by a safety net providing nano-government, small government's just a start. _______________________________________ Site: http://myegotimes.virtualave.net/Vancouver.Elections/2002/0000page.shtml