From Mon Nov 05 00:48:40 2001 Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol Subject: Luria, Perception & Cerebral Organization From: (James R. Rose) Date: 5 Nov 2001 00:48:40 -0800 Perception, A.R. Luria, An Introduction to Neuropsychology, Penguin Books Ltd 1973,Printed in Great Britain: The psychology of the nineteenth century regarded perception as a passive imprint made by external stimuli on the retina, and later in the visual cortex. Logically, therefore, the cerebral basis of visual sensation and perception must be the zones of the occipital cortex which recieve the "excitation generated in the retina, and in which structures absolutely identical (isomorphic) with primary stimulation are formed." This concept of isomorphism of the structures of excitation in the visual cortex with the structure of the peripheral excitation, and hence, with the structure of the object stimulating the eyes, assumed its clearest form in Gestalt psychology, the founders of which (Kohler, for example) devoted a large part of their lives to the vindication of this 'principle of isomorphism.' Modern psychology atempts to analyse perception from from quite different standpoints. It regards perception as an active process of searching for corresponding information, distinguishing the essentail features of an object, comparing the features with each other, creating appropriate hypotheses, and then comparing these hypotheses with the original data (Vygotsky,1956;1960;Bruner,1957;Leontev,1959;Zaporozhets,1967;1968). For this reason, besides receptor components, effector components are also essential to human perception, and whereas these effector, motor components take place step by step in the first stages of development, at subsequent levels of formation of perceptual function they begin to be carried out by 'short cuts', in a contracted form, of some 'inner actions' (Zaporzhets,1967;1968;Zinchenko et al.,1962;Zinchenco and Vergiller,1972). The process of perception is thus evidently complex in character. It begins with the analysis of the structure percieved, as recieved by the brain, into a large number of components or cues which are subsequently coded or synthesized and fitted into the corresponding mobile systems. This process of selection and syntheses of the corresponding features in the article in character and takes place under the direct influence of the tasks which confront the subject. It takes place with the aid of ready-made codes (and in paticular the codes of language), which serve to place the percieved feature into its proper system and to give it a genral or catagorical character; finally, it always incorporates a process of comparison or the effect with the original hypotheses or, in other words, a process of verification of perceptual activity. "During the perception of familiar objects, firmly established in past experience, this process is naturally contracted and takes place by a series of short cuts, whereas during the perception of new and unfamiliar or complex visual objects, the process of perception remains full and uncontracted." Finally, "it is essential to note that human perception is a complex process of coding of the percieved material", ""taking place with the close participation of language."" This has been demonstrated in many psychological investigations (Gelb and Goldstein,1920; Vygotsky,1934;Bruner,1957), and it is therefore neccessary to discuss these problems specially. Cerebral Organization This complex character of perceptual activity naturally suggests that visual perception in not performed in its entirety by the structures of the occipital (visual) cortex, but that a complete 'working constellation' of brain zones, is in fact involved, each zone playing its own role in the perceptual activity and making its own contribution to the formation of perceptual zones. It is also evident that a lesion of each of these zones which participates in perceptual activity will disturb the complex system of visual perceptions as a whole, [writer's note:gestalt subliminal art has the same quality] although the disturbance affects a different component, and thus follows a different course. As we have seen already, human visual perception starts at the moment that excitation arising in the retina reaches the primary visual cortex (in a strictly somotopically organized pattern), are split up into a very large number of components. As I said earlier (part 2, ch 30, this process of visual analysis can take place because the visual cortex contains a very large of highly differentiated neurons, each of which responds to only one particular feature of the percieved object (Hubel and Wiesel,1962; 1963).[Writer comment: verbal stimuli-operant chains of S->R formula-substitute conditioning, see Rossler & Brogden,1943, pairing of single non-sense syllable to physical reaction to re-ellicit the physical reaction on cue to the verbal cue, by saying-thinking the syllable;. Mimicking thereof, in form of verbal conditioning as silentsound brainwashing and altering of perceptions] Since lesions of the primary zones of the visual cortex never involve isolated neurons alone, but always extend over a certain area, the disturbances of visual perception in these cases are elementary and somotopical in character, [* See also in Luria,1973, McCulloch and his collaborators(1943) visual stimulation show that stimulation of the secondary zones of the visual cortex spreads over much wider areas than stimulation of its primary zones, sometmes even crossing over into the opposite hemisphere. The morphilogical and physiological features distinguishing the structure of the secondary zones of the visual cortex also determine the role which it plays in organizing complex visual perception. This was clearly shown in experiments carried out in the past by leading neurologists and neurosurgeons (Poltz,Foerster,Penfield) during operations of the cortical zones. Their observations show that stimulation of the primary zones of the occipital cortex by a weak electric current [words-phrases can be construed as a form of electrical stimulations] evoked the appearance of elementary visual hallucinations in the patient (who percieved flashes of light, tongues of flame and colored spots.) These phenomena, moreover, appeared in strictly defined parts of the visual field (stimulation of the right occipital region led to the appearance of these 'photopsias' in the left part,while stimulation of the left occipital cortex led to their appearance in the right part of the visual field, and so on). [Also see, Continued Minimumal Irradiations, as relates to gestalt subliminals as environmental & behavioral engineering, shadow people, visual reconstruction through neural cell assembles-pre-conditioned into occipital through environmental placement in infrastructure. The gestalt art utilized to imprint to retinas-occipital cortex for producing the visual imagery through electrical stimulation while a surrogate humunculous guides the course of thought for producing hypothetical (cons) or and, linguistic fictions to produce concept formation(s-dual reality(s)-see and the many artificially created characterizations-experiences which are for all intents & purposes are real experiences for them, being spoken to by entities, visualizing organized visual impressions, claims of being educated by aliens, shadow monsters, forced sex in sleep, floating orbs, various characters and fictions, hallucination conditioning] and are manifested either as homonymous hemianopia (the loss of the counterlater half of the visual field), as quaddrantic hemianopia (loss of isolated areas of the visual field corresponding to the affected areas of the primary visual cortex. If the primary visual cortex is in a state of dysfunction in man (as occurs after injury to the occipital region accopanied by oedema) in the first stages vision may disappear completely, after which it may be restored. Although perception is unclear and 'blurred' in character at first, later it recovers completely. It is a characteristic feature of all these types of disturbance (except in some special cases) that these elementary defects can be suitably compensated by movements of the eyes, and the person still remains able to work. The exceptions are those cases when lesions of the occipital cortex (either of primary or secondary zones) are superimposed on a background of inactivity or unawareness of the subject's own defect [somnabulism-hypnotism thru speech communication] (anosognosia) or when the defect stays unpercieved and is not compensated, so that it assumes the character of fixed hemianopia or unilateral spatial agnosia (Holmes,1919;Brain,1941;Luria and Skorodumova,1950;et al.,1956;Hecaen,1969). The second stage of the cerebral organiztion of visual perception requires the close participation of the secondary zones of the visual cortex. These constitute the "chief system responsible for the formation of mobile syntheses of visually percieved elements, but are themselves under the regulating and modulating influence of other, non-visual zones of the cortex." As we have seen, the secondary zones of the visual cortex consist largely of neurons of the upper cortical layers, possessing short axons and adapted for the formation of combinations and connections between individual elements and the points of the cortex. They can thus produce the ""mobile syntheses of visual cues into which visual perception is analysed, and make cues amendable to control."" A lesion of the secondary cortical zones naturally disturbs these visual syntheses, and the defect of perception arising in patients with lesions of these cortical zones assumes the form of disturbances of simultaenious visual syntheses, or of optic agnosia, in which each element of a visual structure is percieved sufficiently clearly, but the patient cannot synthsize the element into a single whole, so that he is unable to recognize objects or pictures of objects.[gestalt subliminal art effects] We still know very little about the basic mechanisms of optic gnosis. However, one of its accessory mechanisms deserves mention. The visual image formed in the retina is known to remain there for an extremely short time, and if the eye is completely stationary the image lasts not more than 1-1.5 seconds (Yarbus,1965). It is thus essential not merely to bring about visual syntheses, but also to 'stabalize the image' obtained as a result of the optic procedure. "One way of doing this is by the formation of the 'after-image,' which plays a very important role in image stabilization." [see for produced after-images photos-illuminations of gestalt art] Its physiological mechanisms have been studied in detail by Orbeli's school(Zimkina,1957;Zimkin and Zimkina,1953; Kaplan,1949;Balonov,1950). A fact of the greatest importance is that the visual after-image, which normally lasts for twenty to thirty seconds and then gradually disappears, may "either fail or arise completely or may last for a very much shorter time" in patients with lesions of the occipital zones, but some degree of stabilization ""can be produced by the administration of caffiene(Zislina,1955).""[mass conditioning-gestalt art-chemicals-isomorphism. Industrial-military complex. They have the way and the means.Foods and drinks with caffiene placed in them, drugs of methamphetamine, ectasy, LSD; gestalt art in commercial goods, advertizing, television, electrical stimulation to produce visual neural images in perception, speech ...If we can think why is there the need to speak to ourselves utilizing speech? May mean we are microchipped through computer interface. Mass enoculations, forced innoculations through diress.In order for your children to attend public schools have to be innoculated. The forced use of amphetamines on our youth as attention deficit disorder. Floride in the water to produce neural and chemical imbalances. The mental health communities pushing psychotropic medications. Corporations utilizing gestalt art in commercial goods, products, etc.,etc...Illegal drugs to create yet another system for enlarging control over the populaces as capitalize financially. Brainwashing through television programs advocating professions as above reproach. Media under control of finacial corporations and military complex who owns them. Stock in the corporations.] This indicates that the visual cortex is responsible not only for the syntheses of visual impulses, but also for their 'stabilization.' It thus performs a similar role to the one I mentioned when discussing the role of the temporal cortex in the stabilization of auditory stimuli(part 2,chapter 4). It would be a mistake, however, to think that the secondary zones of the visual cortex are concerned only with the effector or operative part of perceptual activity. It is because this not so that a lesion of secondary visual zones interferes with or prevents the formation of visual syntheses, but does not deprive perceptual activity of its 'controlled' and 'purposive' character. A person with a lesion of the secondary visual zones can directly percieve only fragments [again-gestalt art] of visual information, but he can still analyse the meaning of these fragments and he can compensate for his defects by reasoning. He actively looks for the solution to the prolem of the nature of the picture he is shown, he puts forward various hypotheses, he compares them with the elements he actually percieves; he atempts to fit the cues he percieves into particular categories of 'meaning and codes them. [B F Skinner, verbal stimulies-operant conditioning, Solomon dogs jumping hurdles, Liddell, artificially created experimental neurosi, Pavlov, 3rd signal system for conditioning, Ebbinghaus, non-sense syllables, William James, Hypnotism, Kohler(Leeper), gestalt theory and psychology] ""ALL IS VANITY""