brigade-l Wednesday, October 25 2000 Volume 01 : Number 114 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:20:51 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Victory in NC!! Date sent: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 07:20:35 -0400 From: Paul Haas Subject: Victory in NC!! To: Dear Linda, Tonight we won a major victory in North Carolina! Glenn Jackson, our District Leader for the RP USA, chaired a North Carolina Reform Party meeting to re-establish our connection with the national party. Dror Bar Sedah, Dot Drew and Herb Drew were officially recalled by the membership tonight! Our new State Chair is Cleve Pate, a REAL Reformer and staunch Brigader. Our Vice-chair is none other than yours truly, Diana Haas. Our Secretary remains the ever-faithfull long- time Reformer Dorothy Earle. Our Treasurer remains the fiercely loyal long-time Reformer Jeffrey Plott. "Chair-Emeritus" title has been replaced by "Member-at-Large". John Guglielmetti won this honor. A long-time Reformer, John is a real trouper, and is relentless in his efforts to promote reform. Our heart felt gratitude goes to Glenn Jackson who guided our meeting with grace and diplomacy. He also drove all the way from Georgia to oversee the return of the NC Reform Party to the people of North Carolina. Thank you so much, Glenn. Steve Wood, NC House representative from District 27, was also in attendence. Steve has been a loyal soldier for the Reform Party cause, in attendence at all our events and meetings and willing to help whenever called upon. He is most definitely a man of principle who is unafraid to stand up for his beliefs and is being punished for refusing to be just another "go along get along" Republican apparatchik. He needs our prayers, our financial support and most importantly the votes of all who reside in his district. Our respect and our hearts go out to Jeff and Dorothy who have stayed true to their core beliefs and loyal to their principles, in spite of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that have been hurled at them throughout this struggle. Our thanks to all the Reformers who attended this meeting, and for the prayers from all who could not come today, but who are committed to The Cause. God bless all of you. Now let's get out there and fight to the finish. We've been in the trenches together, fighting one skirmish after another. Now let's win North Carolina for Pat!! For the Cause, Diana Haas P.s Check out our state website - ------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:26:04 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] WND Poll ! From: "lmvh" Subject: ACTION ALERT: WorldNetDaily Poll Date sent: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 06:47:20 -0700 WorldNetDaily's poll today asks the question, "With the election 2 weeks away, for whom would you vote if ballots were cast today?" Please take a moment right now to visit and vote. Then forward this message to a friend. Thank you! (Note: This poll may end at midnight.) - --------- end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:53:54 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Buchanan: Vote Your Conscience Dear Brigade, Every vote for Bush in CA is a wasted vote -- Gore will win this state, hands down. There are several other states where Gore has it in the bag, including MD and NY. For any conservatives who are voting out of fear - "I don't want Bush but I fear Gore" - A vote for Bush in liberal states will not help Bush or the conservative Cause. Because the "electoral college" and "winner take all" rules do not recognize percentages, a vote for Bush is truely a wasted vote. But, a vote for Buchanan will be counted in the total of "popular votes" and that it what will be used to decide whether our new conservative party gets major party status for the next election. FTC-Linda - ------------ From: (Ross's Raiders) Date sent: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:14:38 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Buchanan goals high for visit Buchanan goals high for visit By John Ellis The Fresno Bee (Published October 24, 2000) It's been a tough road for Reform Party presidential nominee Pat Buchanan. First, there was the party's raucous Long Beach summer convention, which featured a ferocious battle to determine the party's presidential nominee -- Buchanan or rival John Hagelin. Hagelin supporters, many of them backers of Reform Party founder H. Ross Perot, walked out and held a rival convention a few blocks away, nominating Hagelin and saying Buchanan had hijacked the party. Then there was the legal battle about which candidate had a right to the $12.6 million in federal campaign funds due the party, and the state-by-state fight about who would be on the ballot as the Reform Party candidate. That was followed by a gall bladder surgery, then Buchanan's exclusion -- along with other third-party candidates -- from the three presidential debates. Now, the one-time Republican and conservative crusader is trying to turn it around in hopes of winning 5% of the national vote and securing federal campaign funds to keep the party alive. "It is a goal that we have to meet," says campaign manager Tim Haley. California -- along with other western states such as Arizona, Nevada and Utah -- is key to the strategy. As part of the effort, Buchanan will begin a three-day swing through the Golden State. That swing includes a town hall meeting Wednesday evening at California State University, Fresno. Robert Youngblood, a longtime local Reform Party member, is working to build the party in the Fresno-Madera area. "We're just trying to build it -- the 5 to 10% of the vote -- and start off fresh without some of the setbacks we had this time around," he says. Buchanan's campaign is focusing on conservative values and hot-button issues, such as the decline of English as the nation's main language and immigration. Buchanan and Green Party nominee Ralph Nader are focusing their campaigns on a limited number of states in an attempt to reach the 5% threshold. But while Nader has been attracting progressive voters, Buchanan is looking to the right, to conservatives. His California pitch: George W. Bush has already lost the state to Gore, so vote your conscience and vote Buchanan. The reporter can be reached at - ------- end ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 10:37:30 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] New Buchanan Schedule [revised] For Immediate Release Monday, October 23, 2000 Contact: Brian Doherty, or Rick Mangus (703) 734-2700 **revised** BUCHANAN: SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO, FRESNO, BAKERSFIELD, CLAREMONT, LOS ANGELES, LAS VEGAS ***Tuesday, October 24, 2000*** Early am AK Leaves Anchorage, AK for Seattle 1-2:00pm PT Pat Buchanan has a one hour interview with Salem Radio Network host, Michael Medved. ***October 25, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television interviews - San Francisco, CA - Details to follow 10-11:00am PT Pat Buchanan interview on KQED, host Michael Krasny. KQED 88.5FM - San Francisco, CA. 7:00pm PT Town Hall meeting- California State University, Fresno, Satellite Student Union/Whitfield Hall - Fresno, CA. ***Thursday, October 26, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television interviews - Bakersfield, California - Details to follow 12:00-2:30pm PT Los Angeles media/interviews - Details to follow 4:00pm PT Pat holds town hall meeting at Claremont McKenna College, Mary Pickford Auditorium - Claremont, CA. 5:00pm PT Pat Buchanan TV news interviews - Details to follow ***Friday, October 27, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television interviews - Los Angeles, CA - Details to follow 11:30am PT Press Conference in Las Vegas, NV - Details to follow ***Saturday, October 28, 2000*** Buchanan in Phoenix, AZ Details to follow ***Sunday, October 29, 2000*** Buchanan in Phoenix, AZ Details to follow - --------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 00:39:25 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] The Phone Call: Why Perot Sabotaged His Own Reform Party Dear Brigade, This is quite a story. FTC-Linda FYI - In the mid-1990s, Tom Pauken was the Texas Chair of the GOP. - ----------- D Magazine Politics The Phone Call Why Ross Perot sabotaged his own Reform Party. by Tom Pauken Happier Days: In 1999, Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan were friendly. Although Buchanan was more conservative on social issues, Perot believed Buchanan could save his Reform Party.    In the fall of 1999, Ross Perot had seemingly agreed to a plan for his Reform Party. His cohorts had invited Pat Buchanan and his ³Buchanan Brigades² into the party to blunt a takeover attempt by Governor Jesse Ventura of Minnesota. The loudmouthed, coarse ex-wrestler flaunts his contempt for values Perot holds dear, so it was no surprise that the former presidential candidate would find a means to stop him. Pat Buchanan, on the other hand, is articulate, media-savvy, and, even if more conservative than Perot on social issues, has fought beside him on the issues Perot cares about. With Buchanan as its candidate, the Reform Party would use its $12.5 million in federal matching funds to continue Perotıs campaign for economic nationalism, campaign finance reform, and the elimination of foreign influence in the nationıs capital.    But by late September 2000, the Reform Party had been wrecked by trench warfare between Perotistas and Buchananites, Buchanan was barely registering 1 percent in the polls, and, after a flurry of lawsuits, the Buchanan campaign was still waiting for the $12.5 million in federal funding.    Why did Perot turn with such a vengeance against Buchanan? Even Buchanan is perplexed, as I found when I talked with him in early September. Buchanan wouldnıt respond when I asked him directly what he thought Perotıs motives might be for reversing field and derailing his candidacy. Others close to Buchanan were less reticent. From their perspective, Perotıs ego in the end could not abide giving up control of ³his² party.    But, as I discovered, the reason the Reform Party‹the best shot at establishing a third party since Theodore Roosevelt‹may be relegated to a historical footnote in November has nothing to do with Perotıs famous ego. The turnabout can be traced to a phone call made to Ross Perot by a close friend in Dallas. In early July of last year, Perot ally (and 1996 vice presidential candidate) Pat Choate and Perot right-hand man Rus Verney approached Bay Buchanan, Patıs sister and campaign adviser, with a proposition. Choate and Verney argued convincingly that Buchanan should abandon the GOP and run for the Reform Party nomination. Buchanan and Perot agreed on many fundamental issues. They both favor a trade policy that puts Americaıs interests first. They are opponents of free trade deals like NAFTA and GATT. Both have warned about the loss of national sovereignty to international organizations like the WTO. Perot had even invited Buchanan to speak at a United We Stand conference in 1995, where Buchanan had wowed the audience with a speech echoing many of Perotıs favorite themes. ³We can deliver the Reform Party nomination to Pat,² Choate told Bay.    Buchanan bit. He unleashed his ³peasant army² to help Perot forces fend off a takeover attempt by Ventura. The Buchanan Brigades moved quickly to take over or reestablish Reform Party organizations in states all across the country. Within a few months, the Buchanan and Perot forces had enough votes to take back control of the partyıs national committee (which Venturaıs forces had captured). The infusion of Buchananıs recruits into the party had made the difference. Ventura threw up his hands in disgust and announced that he and his supporters were abandoning the Reform Party for good.    Immediately fissions appeared. Verney expected to regain his former post as party chairman. But Buchanan supporters, who had grown to distrust Perotıs chief political aide, joined with other disaffected Reform Party leaders to place Choate in the top post. This split between the two longtime friends and allies signaled an underlying rift in the party. Choate announced he would do all he could to help Pat Buchanan secure the partyıs nomination at its Long Beach convention in August.    For his part, Verney confirmed Buchananıs suspicions by announcing he would stop Buchanan at all costs. ³Verney promised a bloodbath,² says Choate now, ³and he delivered one in Long Beach.²    Perotıs hand in this reversal is difficult to verify because Perot isnıt talking. He refers all Reform Party matters to Verney. But Dallas sources who know Perot well are skeptical that a paid staffer like Verney would freelance on a matter so crucial as the partyıs candidate for president.    Something caused Ross Perot to change his mind about Buchanan. And once Perotıs mind was changed, the Perot people showed they would go to any length to deny Buchanan the nomination.    First, Verney tried to recruit Donald Trump to run. After a few weeks of flirtation, played out in the tabloids, Trump declined to go head-to-head against the Buchanan Brigades. Trumpıs dalliance with the headlines took so long that when he finally backed out, Verney found himself left with no better alternative than physicist John Hagelin, candidate of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogiıs Natural Law Party. Among other things, Hagelin believes in levitation through meditation. As political observer John OıSullivan notes, ³Hagelin is one of the very few physicists who believes he can fly.²    Why would Perot descend so far to stop Buchanan? Was it ego? Some Buchananites recall how Perot blocked former Colorado Governor Richard Lammıs bid for the nomination in 1996. But Perot was still active in the party at that time and had made a credible showing in the presidential race four years before. Perot hasnıt been actively involved since. And if it was ego, how to explain the bizarre endorsement of Flying John Hagelin?    Other Buchanan supporters believe Perotıs opposition stems from his disagreement with Buchanan over social issues such as abortion. And it is true that many of the Reform delegates who walked out of the convention in Long Beach did so because they are ³social liberals² opposed to Buchananıs strong pro-life stance. But these issues are not at the top of Perotıs agenda. Even Verney confirms that ³we all knew where Buchanan stood on the abortion issue when we invited him enthusiastically into the party.² The clue to Perotıs about-face is when Perot himself refused to meet with Pat Buchanan a few months after Buchanan had switched to the Reform Party. He wouldnıt even take Buchananıs phone calls, according to people in Buchananıs camp. The timing is significant.    In September 1999, after Buchanan had been recruited into the Reform Party, his new book A Republic, Not an Empire was published. The book, of course, had taken months to write and prepare for publication. In it Buchanan made the case that America should have let the two totalitarian regimes of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union fight it out between themselves first before intervening in WWII. Buchanan had already crossed swords with leaders of the American Jewish community with comments heıd made opposing the Persian Gulf War (which Perot also opposed). Those comments had led some to accuse Buchanan of anti-Semitism. Now all the old charges were resurrected in a flurry of attacks in the major media circles. Former friend and fellow Nixon speechwriter William Safire even went so far as to accuse Buchanan of going after the ³Hitler vote.²    It was a rocky moment for Buchanan. While he survived politically and continued full-steam ahead with his campaign for the Reform nomination, the charges did not sit well back in Dallas. A close associate of Perot explained to me that Perot prides himself on having good social and business relationships with leaders in the Jewish community. One of his good friends is Liener Temerlin, co-founder of Dallas-based Temerlin McClain Advertising and a prominent Jewish civic leader.    Temerlin had made no bones about his belief that Buchanan was guilty of anti-Semitism. His views on the subject were so well known that a while ago, his friend Perot even played a practical joke on him. One day Temerlin looked out the window of his house to see none other than Ross Perot out in his driveway. When he went outside, Perot didnıt have a very good explanation of what he was doing there. Temerlin didnıt think much about it until he realized he had been driving around for a week with a Buchanan bumper sticker on his car.    The joke may have been good fun at the time, but a Buchanan presidential bid was no laughing matter to Temerlin. When it became clear in news reports that Perot had invited Buchanan into the Reform Party and was all but handing him its nomination, Temerlin made a phone call to his good friend.    I heard about this phone call from sources close to Perot. When I called Temerlin to confirm it, he politely declined to characterize its content. He told me he had a confidential conversation with Perot, but he wouldnıt discuss the substance. I later asked Rus Verney if he thought Buchanan is an anti-Semite. ³No, but there is a perception that he is,² Verney said. ³And perception can become reality if the issue isnıt addressed.²    One thing about that conversation with Temerlin is certain. A short time thereafter, the Perot forces turned against Buchanan. The open embrace turned into a ³scorched earth² policy that was intent on destroying the party if that were the only means of keeping Buchanan from gaining control of it. Whether Buchanan can overcome all of the roadblocks put in his way by the Perot forces by garnering the minimum 5 percent to stay viable is up in the air. The conventional wisdom is that Buchanan and the movement he represents are finished politically. Most conservative activists have decided to stick with the Republican Party, at least through this election. Buchananıs diehard supporters are under no illusion about the difficulties they face. Nonetheless, they are intent on building a serious conservative third party, no matter what happens this November.    When I talked with Buchanan, he was just recovering from gall bladder surgery and preparing to hit the campaign trail. Buchanan seemed dispirited. He had spent a year battling furiously to win a nomination he had been led to believe would be handed to him. Now Ross Perot himself had finally surfaced after being almost invisible during the brutal internal struggles of his party, signing an affidavit to the effect that Hagelin, the ³flying yogic,² should get the partyıs matching funds.    But Buchanan didnıt earn his combative reputation by being a wallflower. As we talked his spirits seemed to rise. He told me about his favorite movie, Shane. In the movie, Shane stands up for a bunch of farmers being harassed by a powerful rancher who wants to run them out of the Wyoming territory. In the final gunfight, Shane takes out the rancherıs hired gunman. I later rented the movie and sat down to watch it. Before riding off into the sunset, the hero makes two statements that sound like they came from Buchanan himself. Shane tells the young son of a farmer that ³a man has to be what he is² and ³thereıs no going back.²    I can see why Buchanan loves the movie. But then Shane never got into a gunfight with H. Ross Perot. Tom Pauken is a D Magazine contributing editor. - -------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 00:47:12 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Voting for "A" - Something Truly Christian From: "O'CONNOR,GEORGE (HP-Boise,ex1)" Subject: RE: [BRIGADE] Buchanan: Vote Your Conscience Date sent: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 14:03:05 -0700 Dear Linda, Attached is a paraphrased E-mail I received from a friend of mine, Mr. Frank Denke, a wise and generous man. - ----------- Dear George, After trying (unsuccessfully) to recall what I said some years ago to you regarding voting one's conscience rather than "the lesser of two evils", in answer to your question let me offer these thoughts for now. For the sake of discussion, lets say we have three options: "A" (something truly Christian), "B" (the lesser of two evils, but not fully Christian), or "C" (something completely wrong, or not doing anything). How would we ever arrive at "A" if we always elected to do "B" or "C"? If all we have are options "B" or "C", then "B" is better than "C", but to me when an "A" shows up, and that is what we REALLY want, then voting for "A" is the only way to get there. If we limit ourselves to thinking only "B" or "C", that's all we'll ever get. Regarding something like abortion, Christians during the last 20 years have had the opportunity of voting for something truly Christian ("A"), something partially Christian ("B") or non- Christian ("C"). Continuously voting for "B" only brought us to "partial births" ("C"). Since politics is mostly about options "B" and "C", one can get used to thinking only in such terms, but how wonderful it is when an option "A" shows up. If we want "A" type candidates to come forth in future years, whose campaigns do much to "spread the faith" in our Country, we have to encourage them by supporting them now. We can't win shooting matches unless we aim at the "bull's eye". It would seem that men become martyrs, and saints, and countries more Christian only by choosing "A", when we have the opportunity. Best regards, as always with prayers, Frank - -------- end ------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 09:10:20 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] PJB Endorsed by Taki - NY Press Send reply to: "Mark L. Santelman" Subject: A great summary of Buchanan, particularly on foreign policy Date sent: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 04:27:09 -0400 - ---------- New York Press Pat’s the One by Taki My choice for president of the United States is: Pat Buchanan by a mile, although I do admit his chances are nil. The nobility of failure used to be an admirable trait. The 300 Spartans at Thermopylae had as much of a chance to win against the largest force of men ever assembled as Buchanan does. But the bloody stand made there by Leonidas and his 300 in 480 BC has been hailed ever since as an outstanding example of patriotism, courage and sacrifice. Mind you, nowadays they would have been called fanatics, or fools, or extremists, especially by the types who like the Clintons. Pat Buchanan was demonized as an anti-Semite and as a Hitler apologist by an outrageously partisan media elite, which is as intellectually dishonest as it is liberal–people who saw an opportunity to destroy the reputation of a man who can run intellectual rings around them. Destroying people’s reputations has been a hallmark of the Clinton years. Sid the Scumbag Blumenthal and that Carville thug started the Clinton attack machine eight years ago, and now it’s become a way of life. The Clintons did not go after Buchanan–why should they, he was taking away votes from George W.–it was just the ground rules they had established. Play dirty, play for keeps and if in doubt, make it up. But before I go on about Pat and why I will be voting for him, a few words about Hillary. She is corrupt, a woman who sold the Lincoln bedroom to fatcats and who continued to give White House access-for-cash until today. She sees New York as her personal trampoline to propel her to the presidency and, as it was recently revealed, had no compunction whatsoever to lie about the Travelgate firings. To me the real Hillary is the one who oversaw the pimping that went on in the White House, when Bill was smuggled out, or when whores were brought in, and is a cynical control freak whose campaign has mostly been funded by Hollywood. And yet this woman could be the junior senator elect for New York come November because of name recognition, the celebrity clique and the blessing of race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. She is also a globalist, and wants America to be involved in all aspects of people’s lives in every corner of the world. A certain scenario for disaster, but one no power-hungry person like Hillary can resist. But back to Pat. He has been accused of being an isolationist by those who spent their youth marching against the Cold War policies that brought America victory. Yet he supported virtually every foreign policy initiative from Kennedy to Reagan. What he’s against is the mindless nation-building and shapeless foreign policy of this gang of incompetents, the Albrights, the Bergers and the Holbrooks. Somalia was a disaster and continues to be lawless. The Haiti embargo and invasion have proved ruinous for the people of that impoverished island. The firing of missiles to divert attention from a personal scandal is unacceptable, according to Pat, as is the fact that 10 years ago Ronald Reagan was being toasted in Moscow, and today anti-Americanism is at an all-time high. Buchanan rightly points out that Clinton broke America’s word to the Russians that if they withdrew the Red Army from Eastern Europe, we would not move NATO an inch closer to their frontiers. And we colluded with two former Soviet republics, Georgia and Azerbaijan, to build a pipeline cutting Russia out of the Caspian oil. These decisions are overlooked by average Americans because they do not directly effect them. But they are provocations that might come back to haunt Uncle Sam. According to Pat, America’s role should be that of peacemaker, rather then military interventionist. The defining foreign policy of the Clinton presidency was his unconstitutional war on Serbia, says Pat. Never have truer words been spoken. Albright’s rage that Serbia would not sign a Rambouillet accord, which called for the removal of all its troops from Kosovo and permission for NATO troops to tramp through the country, meant war. A war from 15,000 feet, one that we were told was to prevent ethnic cleansing of Albanians, but one that saw more than 175,000 Serbs either killed or forced out of Kosovo by the drug-running Albanians under Uncle Sam’s protection. Buchanan is also very good on Iraq and China. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Iraqi children are dead because of our sanctions against Saddam–not a Christian condition for a just war, according to Pat, because the targeting of innocent civilians is forbidden. As for China, Pat says the most powerful weapon America has to effect change in its policies is our control of our $8 trillion market. "From its sales to us, China earns a trade surplus of over a billion dollars every week. But by bringing China into WTO, the President threw away our trump card and turned his trade portfolio over to the global bureaucrats." Again, all I can say is hooray! America, as Pat insists, has to be a republic, not an empire. Empires have a tendency to disappear overnight. Look at the Soviets. Russia is now smaller than she was under Peter the Great. The whole structure came down, and we still haven’t figured out how. Because of our meddling, American tourists are prime targets of terrorism worldwide. Although, like Buchanan, I am against isolationism, Uncle Sam cannot afford to be the world’s policeman. Terrorism will be the Great Satan of the 21st century, and America will be its only target. In this so-called information age, I find Americans extremely badly informed. If the liberal media elite did their job properly, Pat Buchanan would have had a serious shot at the presidency because most Americans agree with him on the issues. And on family values such as duty, self-reliance and respect. And just because he will not win does not mean a vote for him is a wasted one. There is still such a thing called principles, and mine is that the most honest man running (Nader is honest too) should get my vote. - --------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 09:46:25 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] China's Broken Promises - Hoffa Welcomes The Washington Post To The Club Dear Brigade, Mr. Hoffa finds the Washington Post column on China's broken promises "sadly ironic". What is sad is that Mr. Hoffa and other leaders of American workers gave their stamp of approval to Al Gore who is identical to GW Bush on China, job stealing global trade deals, and the rest of the "free trade" nonsense. Mr. Hoffa - the one union leader who I thought would put America and American workers first - has severely damaged his credibility. See both Post columns below. FTC-Linda - --------- The Washington Post - October 25, 2000 SECTION: OP-ED China's Broken Promises I found The Post's Oct. 16 editorial "Beware Chinese Promises" sadly ironic. The Post is shocked--shocked!--to discover that China is reneging on its pledges to open its markets, even as it impatiently awaits accession to the World Trade Organization. Yet The Post was a leading cheerleader for granting permanent normal trade relations status to China, despite exhaustive evidence provided by the Teamsters Union and other organizations demonstrating that the road to Sino-U.S. trade liberalization is littered with broken promises. In fact, The Post's reporters dismissed the voices of reason, failing to report objectively the views of 50,000 rank-and-file union members who peacefully demonstrated in the streets of Seattle. These workers warned the U.S. government that China would not live up to its obligations if allowed entry to the WTO. In 1992 and 1994, China violated memoranda of understanding on market access. In 1992 and 1996, it violated understandings on intellectual property rights. Furthermore, China violated agreements on non-proliferation of weapons and human rights. Now The Post says that unless China changes its ways, "the WTO deal seems scarcely worth the gamble." Welcome to the club. JAMES P. HOFFA General President International Brotherhood of Teamsters Washington - ---- The Washington Post - October 16, 2000 EDITORIAL; Pg. A26 Beware Chinese Promises THE PROJECT of bringing China into the World Trade Organization is based on the assumption that an arbitrary dictatorship is capable of negotiating a complex deal and then sticking to it. This was always a dicey bet, but the remarkable thing is that China's instinct to renege on its WTO commitments is emerging even before it formally joins the organization. If this is how China behaves now--at a time when accession theoretically still could be blocked--how will it perform once it has been admitted? Before it can join the WTO, China has to turn bilateral deals it made with the United States and others into a commitment to open its markets to all WTO members. But China has been backsliding on some promises and refusing to spell out how it will implement others. For example, China had pledged to allow foreign firms into its mobile phone market. But lately it has suggested that foreigners must do this by working with one of China's three state-owned telecom companies--none of which has shown any sign of wanting outside partners. Last week China compounded its backsliding by stepping up its rhetoric. It attacked WTO members for seeking details on how it would implement its commitments and crudely threatened the Clinton administration with the prospect that its "legacy" might be lost. "Your president, a lame duck, must make the political decision that he wants China in the WTO," a Chinese trade official told The Post. "He must use whatever political capital he has left to make this happen." The administration responded by dispatching U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky to Beijing, and both sides now affirm that everything is back on track. The administration says hardball is a normal part of trade negotiations. But nobody--least of all the business groups that have lobbied for China's WTO accession--should kid himself about the meaning of the recent dispute. China is not going to honor its commitments consistently, and firms that imagine the WTO will protect their rights when they do business in China are risking expensive disappointment. Even if China makes its best effort to implement the WTO pledges, it still may fall short. The country lacks trained judges to administer the rule of law to which it has committed itself; it lacks a culture of open competition among private companies and erecting one atop a communist foundation is difficult. But without the regime's best effort, the WTO deal seems scarcely worth the gamble. If China's negotiators play tough again, Mr. Clinton should show them that even a lame duck can abandon an increasingly dubious bargain. - ------ end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of brigade-l V1 #114 ************************