brigade-l Tuesday, October 31 2000 Volume 01 : Number 117 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:30:13 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Raimondo: Rockwell - Wrong on Buchanan Date sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:47:20 -0500 From: mpzateza Rockwell – Wrong on Buchanan by Justin Raimondo AntiWar.Com - 10/30/00 While Gore's minions are frantically trying to keep their far left- wing in line, as I point out in my column, on the Right a similar rearguard effort is taking place on behalf of Bush against possible defections to the Buchanan camp, especially now that Dubya seems to be pulling ahead in the home stretch. A whole bunch of Republicans remember, with real anger, being lectured by Colin Powell on the virtues of affirmative action, and resent the exclusion of all conservatives from the podium of the Philadelphia convention: they are ready to vote for Buchanan in the privacy of the voting booth – but not if my good friend Lew Rockwell can help it. I note, with sadness, Lew's somewhat baffling screed against Pat Buchanan. PJB, in Lew's view, is a "failure" – and why? It seems Lew went off somewhere to speak to a group of conservative doctors, who were quite vocal about why they couldn't support Pat, and he came back with a whole list of reasons, starting with that old saw about Bush being "the lesser of the two evils." Of course, only yesterday, Lew was encouraging us not to vote, because politics don't matter anyway: the Leviathan State is supposedly crumbling of its own accord – it seems people aren't paying attention to it anymore. But I guess that was yesterday: today, we are faced with the "steely-eyed socialism" of Gore and so must choose Bush, the "lesser of the two evils." I think I'll pass on that one. THAT'SA ONE SPICY MEATBALL! For Rockwell to accuse Buchanan of "ideological incoherence" seems disingenuous in the extreme coming from someone who claims to oppose all immigration on "libertarian" grounds: that's one ideological meatball that seems indigestible, even if one did somehow manage to swallow it. It is not true that Buchanan never talks about taxes or regulations. Most regulatory issues, however, are operational at the state level, and PJB's analysis is properly presidential: the broad scope of his vision and his arguments encompasses such issues as the pernicious role of the World Bank and other international institutions in redistributing America's wealth around the globe. Buchanan has, over the course of three campaigns, spoken out on every issue under the sun, from AIDS to the abolition of the income tax, from tax cuts to the real meaning of the tenth amendment. He, quite properly, emphasized some issues – foreign policy – over others, but then this is a strategic matter, and not a question of principle. BEAUTIFUL LOSERS Among Lew's other miscellaneous complaints: it seems that, besides being a protectionist, Pat neglected to submit an op ed piece to the Wall Street Journal, his campaign is "disorganized" (this from a former top campaign official in the notoriously disorganized Libertarian Party!) and he takes public money (so does Bush, but then this is a "lesser evil" by definition, I guess: or at least, a lesser evil than Pat's). But if you're going to come down off your high horse long enough to run for public office, and all the other candidates are doing it, then why not play the game on a level playing field, so to speak? I have never understood why it is a libertarian "principle" to absolutely refuse federal matching funds – any more than traveling to a voting booth along a government- funded road would be. The only "principle" involved here seems to be that of the inveterate loser. WARPED MINDS Silliest of all is the accusation that Pat's is a "vanity candidacy" – according to the consensus at this conclave of crankish doctors, Pat was found guilty of wanting "to garner the attention of crowds"! Oh, for shame! And what else is a candidate to do – stay holed up in his bunker? But it gets worse: Lew avers that Pat has "warped some the best segments of the American right into anti-trade and pro-union thinking, not to speak of wasting time and money (close to $30 million by the time it's over). It's also sad to see the ruin of the great old slogan 'America First,' once a valiant cry for peace, now a demand for higher taxes on imports." Never mind Buchanan's campaign book, which Lew does not deign to mention by its title, A Republic, Not an Empire, the single best exposition of the noninterventionist Old Right position ever written – which gives a lucidly sympathetic historical account of the original America First movement. If nothing came out of the campaign but an unusually large audience for a book of this kind, then the whole thing will have been worth it: this is how a real political movement is built, around the power of ideas. It is hardly fair to say that PJB has "ruined" a "great old slogan" – when it was none other than he who single-handedly revived it. IN PURSUIT OF MODERATION? Rockwell concludes by worrying that: "On election eve, the media are going to claim that Buchanan's failure represents the political downfall of the right. Not true. His opportunity to make a difference in American politics may have come and gone, but, according to my doctor friends, that represents only the failure of one campaign, not the better part of the ideas he once represented." There is something just not right in this analysis, especially if Lew imagines that election eve is going to measure the success or failure of Buchanan as a political influence on a whole generation of conservative activists. Why write off many thousands of paleo-conservative activists, each and every one of them in 90% agreement with every principle Lew Rockwell holds dear – and embrace a party that cheers and even cries out for more as Colin Powell lectures them on the virtues of affirmative action? Unless good old Lew is trying to – dare I say it? – moderate his image somewhat, it is hard to figure this one out. THE SAME OLD PAT In answer to Lew, I can only remind him that the Pat both he and I supported in the 1991-92 campaign is pretty much the same candidate he is today – only better. We knew he was a protectionist back then – protectionism is an old conservative theme – check out those old back issues of The American Mercury! If anything, Buchanan's emphasis on the key issue, foreign policy, has increased over the years, especially with the publication of A Republic, Not an Empire. In end, I suppose, one can only remind Lew of what our old friend and mentor Murray N. Rothbard had to say on the subject: specifically, on January 18, 1992, in Herndon, Virginia. The text of his speech, by the way, was published in a great little periodical, The Rothbard-Rockwell Report: does that ring a bell? Murray Rothbard was in a celebratory mood that day. He was celebrating the implosion of the Communist despotism, the final confirmation of what Ludwig von Mises and other economists of the Austrian school had long predicted; he was celebrating his own return to the Right, after long years of exile, in the post-cold war upsurge of right-wing "isolationism" – and the return of the Old Right as represented by the candidacy of Patrick J, Buchanan: "This, only the second annual meeting of the John Randolph Club, celebrates the fact that we have suddenly vaulted from the periphery to a central role in the American Right. The occasion of this dramatic change, of course, has been the entry into the presidential race of our esteemed Randolph Club member Patrick J. Buchanan. As Sidney Blumenthal puts it in the January 6-13 issue of the New Republic – he speaks of the magazine Chronicles but this applies equally well to the Randolph Club-: 'Chronicles, which was on the periphery of conservatism under Reagan, has become suddenly engaged at its center as the Bush/Buchanan race looms.' Murray was exuberant: "What has happened is that what I call the Old Right is suddenly back!" But aside from PJB's generally good politics, for Rothbard the key question of style was vitally important: "It is important to realize that the establishment doesn't want excitement in politics, it wants torpor, it wants the masses to continue to be lulled to sleep. It wants kinder, gentler, it wants the measured, judicious, mushy tone, and content, of a James Reston, a David Broder, or a 'Washington Week in Review.' It doesn't want a Pat Buchanan, not only for the excitement and hard edge of his content, but also for his similar tone and style." CUTTING THROUGH THE HERMENEUTICAL FOG In the end, I think I'll follow Murray's advice on this one, and here it is direct: "And so the proper strategy for the Right-wing must be what we can call "Right-wing populism": exciting, dynamic, tough, and confrontational, rousing, and inspiring not only the exploited masses, but the often shell-shocked Right-wing intellectual cadre as well. And in this era where the intellectual and media elites are all establishment liberal-conservatives, all in a deep sense one variety or another of social democrat, all bitterly hostile to a genuine Right, we need a dynamic, charismatic leader who has the ability to short-circuit the media elites, and to reach and rouse the masses directly. We need a leadership that can reach the masses and cut through the crippling and distorting hermeneutical fog spread by the media elites. We need, in short, the leadership of Patrick J. Buchanan." HERE TO STAY Wipe away the hermeneutical fog from your eyes, Lew, and get with the program. Buchanan is a hero, not a villain: few have sacrificed as much as he has (including his health) trying to build a movement to take back our Old Republic. No party is perfect, no campaign is perfect, no leader is perfect, because all of us are human and therefore inherently imperfect. But let me tell you one thing: after close to a decade of being in and around the bohemian Libertarian Party, the solidly bourgeois Buchananites came as a great relief, and I have never seen a better bunch of people: dedicated, intelligent, and knowledgeable to a man (and woman). Far from being a failure, the Buchananized Reform party is going to flourish as Dubya sells out his party and its principles in very short order. Conservative dissent will flourish as never before – and the Reformers will be there, ready to welcome in the flood of new members. As Rothbard put it: the Old Right is back – and here to stay. - --------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:33:52 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] To Pray Or Not to Pray: That Is the Question Date sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 06:16:10 -0800 (PST) From: Lad Branovich Subject: To Pray Or Not to Pray: That Is the Question >From 3. To Pray Or Not to Pray: That Is the Question PHOENIX, Oct. 29 - We received the following story from Judith Meyer, a TiM reader from Colorado. We’ve been assured that sadly, it is a true story: “KINGSTON, Tennessee, Sep. 1 - What follows is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by the school Principal, Jody McLoud, on September 1, 2000. I thought it was worth sharing with the world, and hope you will forward it to all your friends. It clearly shows just how far this country has gone in the wrong direction: "It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games to say a prayer and play the National Anthem to honor God and Country. Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it an alternate life style And if someone is offended, that's okay. I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity by dispensing condoms and calling it safe sex. If someone is offended, that's okay. I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a viable means of birth control. If someone is offended, no problem. I can designate a school day as earth day and involve students in activities to religiously worship and praise the goddess, Mother Earth, and call it ecology. I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depict people with strong, traditional, Christian convictions as simple minded and ignorant and call it enlightenment. However, if anyone uses this facility to honor God and ask Him to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, Federal Case Law is violated. This appears to be inconsistent at best, and at worst, diabolical. Apparently we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone except God and His Commandments. Nevertheless, as a school principal, I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be inconsistent at best, and at worst, hypocritical. I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally. I certainly do not need to add an intentional transgression. For this reason, I shall, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" and refrain from praying at this time. However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank God and ask Him in the Name of Jesus to bless this event, please feel free to do so. As far as I know, that's not against the law. Yet.” One by one, the people in the stands bowed their heads, held hands with each another, and began to pray. They prayed in the stands. They prayed in the team huddles. They prayed at the concession stand, and they prayed in the announcer's box. The only place they didn't pray was in the Supreme Court of the United States of America, the seat of "justice" in the one nation under God." Somehow, Kingston, Tennessee, remembered what so many have forgotten. We are given the Freedom of Religion, not the Freedom from Religion.” --- TiM Ed.: And just think, this quiet rebellion against another legal assault on Christians in America took place in Al Gore’s backyard, or at least the state which he called home when he was a U.S. Senator. For additional TiM articles on the topic of “Freedom from Religion” in America, as our reader put it, which the godless New World Order is trying to impose on U.S. citizens, check out at our web site DANCING 'ROUND THE GOLDEN CALF, CHRISTIANITY UNDER SIEGE, TOWARD A ONE WORLD RELIGION, "SILENCE OVER PLIGHT OF PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS" (all TiM editor's Washington Times columns). - -------- end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:46:24 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Ohio: PJB's Upcoming Visit! Date sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 15:15:02 -0400 From:"Thomas Piatak" Subject: Buchanan Visit Ohio has the honor of hosting Pat Buchanan on the Sunday before the election. Pat will be at St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadview Heights, Ohio at 6:00 PM on Sunday, November 5. (Doors open at 5:00 PM) Broadview Heights is between Cleveland and Akron, and the church is on Wallings Road. You can reach the church by getting off the Wallings Road exit of I-77 and heading west. The church hall seats 1,000 plus people, and our goal is to fill it. Please plan to attend and please help spread the word. Thanks for all your help. - --Tom Piatak - -------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:55:03 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Unmentionable Subject: Immigration From: Date sent: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 12:22:04 EDT THE UNMENTIONABLE SUBJECT IN CAMPAIGN 2000 The Business, Politics--and Consequences--of Immigration By Chris Temple - If you struggled through the three major Presidential debates as I did--and are also a fairly conscious, free (and right) thinking American--one issue must have been as obvious to you as it was to me by its absence. Time and again, Al Gore would attack George W. Bush and vice versa, the one blaming the other for shortcomings in areas such as education, the uninsured, too many people still in poverty, the woes of black Americans and more. Whatever the specific question and however it was answered, the chief reason for the majority of these ills was ignored every time. That reason is the open borders policy of the United States, that has resulted in out-of- control immigration, to the point where legal and illegal immigrants now swell our population by some 1.2 million people per year. Are Bush and Gore (and their respective parties) just scared silly of inviting the wrath of the media, liberal do-gooders or, in some cases, Corporate America? Or are both merely cynically taking temporary advantage of the masses coming to our country; the GOP in the form of cheap labor, and the Democrats for the cheap votes that these new immigrants provide? We recently saw the Congress pass a new H-1B visa bill increasing the number of temporary visas issuable each year to 195,000 from 115,000 (when the program started several years ago, pursuant to the 1990 Immigration Act, the annual allotment was for 65,000 visas.) These temporary work visas are ostensibly for foreign, "guest" workers allegedly needed to fill high-tech jobs that companies claim they can't fill. The Senate, generally more business (and internationalist) friendly than the House, passed the H-1B bill by a vote of 96 to 1. Some, including I, had anticipated an ugly battle in the more citizen-friendly House of Representatives, where far fewer members were willing to sell out the American people once again so close to Election Day. There had even been talk of adding the Senate's bill as a rider to one of the remaining appropriations bills as one way that the G.O.P. leadership could force the measure through. In the end, the House leadership quietly used a simple voice vote to pass the measure-- when many members were not even in the chamber. "IT'S ALIENS--OR INFLATION" In pushing incessantly for the increase, Corporate America-- with the public support of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan-- warned of dire consequences for the economy, inflation and more if the increase was not enacted. Business has regularly fretted about the decline in the growth rate in America's existing working population and the related fact that--horrors!-- this means that business must pay more in wages to attract people. This would be "inflationary"; and we can't have that! There is simply no alternative, they claim, other than having a huge and continuing increase in immigration in order to fill jobs that business claims they don't have the (cheap) workers for. This argument is as disingenuous as it is treasonous. American workers have once again been heartlessly betrayed by the corporate and political planners behind America's economy. You've heard the story. When shoemakers, steelworkers, textile workers, auto workers and others first started to lose their jobs in large numbers, we were all told not to worry. The US would be the high tech economy, they said. "We'll retrain you for the information age." In fact, a few still recall the specific promises made after NAFTA's passage that both government and industry would come up with substantial budgets so that folks in these doomed professions would soon find work in the New Economy. It was a lie. Many of us now believe that Corporate America never had any intention of keeping its promise. Nor did Washington help. Instead, high tech workers in America must now compete with hundreds of thousands of foreign workers brought here to take increasing numbers of these jobs as well. This is not because companies can not find workers, and do not have the money and means to keep their promise to equip American citizens for the new jobs. It's simply because many of these companies simply do not want to hire Americans--PERIOD. Immigrants under H-1B in essence become indentured to their employer; they are unable to switch jobs for any reason. Further, as other immigrants, they are willing to accept much less in wages and benefits than American workers generally get. Make no mistake--the process of bringing foreign workers to America under H-1B is little different in practice than corporations setting up shop in foreign countries in order to hire cheaper labor. The one added pitfall is that in addition to wrecking our domestic economy, the stability of our nation and culture is also threatened. IT'S IMMIGRATION, STUPID! In the same sense as my initial comments here, I was struck by a comment that "journalist" Al Hunt made on CNN's The Capital Gang of October 14. Parroting the Gore line on child poverty and generally poor access to health care in Texas, Hunt mentioned, "If you're a poor kid in Texas, it's like a third world country." A man with the credentials of Mr. Hunt, of course should plainly see that--as it has increasingly become an outpost of Mexico--Texas is part of a third world country! The October 23 issue of US News and World Report, in a chart on the state of children's health care coverage in America, showed the percentage of uninsured children by state. Not surprisingly, the overwhelming majority of those states with the highest proportion of uninsured children (including Texas, at the top of the list) are those with--surprise!--the largest numbers of recent immigrants. Yet Bush, for his part, will never point to immigration as a chief cause--and Gore, while correctly--and conveniently--pointing out the facts where Texas is concerned, will not address the subject either. As Denver Post columnist Al Knight wrote in a Sept. 24 piece, "Any attempt to address the problem of the medically uninsured without dealing with one of its major causes will be both an exercise in futility and an example of shameful political cowardice." In the August 21 issue of Forbes, that edition's "Charticle" was entitled "Poverty's Roots"--and was subtitled, "One of them is high immigration rates.") The piece points out that the long 1990s boom has, as many liberals claim, "not significantly reduced the proportion of the American population living in poverty." That's true. The piece points out that some major studies of the causes of poverty neglect to mention immigration at all, a chief cause of this; at least Forbes had the nerve to do so. Here again, though, neither Gore nor Bush will point this out. The damage of immigration is plainly obvious to anyone who lives in areas where high numbers of foreigners are moving in. As Forbes points out, ". . .through public policy, the US is importing poverty." In addition, as I mentioned above, even the more "desirable" imported tech workers are adding to the overall "race to the bottom" in keeping wage growth and prosperity for many Americans in check (along with "inflation"-- Hooray!) Most acutely--though the proponents of unfettered immigration never shrink from calling the rest of us "racists" for expressing our concerns--it is actually black Americans who in many areas are suffering the most. Up and down the income and class ladder, they must compete with newly imported Latinos, Asians and others who, whether we're talking about mowing lawns or working in Silicon Valley, will work for less and will demand less benefits. Grossly under reported by the media in the H-1B battle was the fact that some of the most vociferous opponents of the legislation were groups representing black workers. Then again, the media can't report that very much and continue with their straw man "racist" attacks, can they? One of Gore's embellishments in the first debate centered around the school girl in Florida who allegedly did not have a desk to use and had to stand in class. The truth as we now know, is that it was the first day of school and someone had simply counted wrong. The girl in question had a desk the next day. Here again, though, since this incident--embellished as it was--was used to point out the problem of overcrowding in some public schools, is the vice president (and his opponent for that matter) that stupid as to not understand a key reason for school overcrowding? In Florida, Texas and California particularly, public schools are in fact bursting at the seams. The problem does not stem, as the Democratic side would have you believe, from too little money. If there's anything the national education industry does not need, it's more money. Nor, as Republicans claim, would overcrowding and other problems go away if only more school choice and voucher plans were implemented--though that would certainly be an improvement on the status quo for other reasons. The trouble is that, as the April 24 issue of Business Week pointed out in regards to California, the education infrastructure of that state (not to mention others) has become "public school system to the world." Perhaps even more than Texas, California's education and social services infrastructure has been called on to do the impossible. According to the Business Week piece, Los Angeles County alone spends $2 billion a year on illegal immigrants alone. The city of Los Angeles last year provided free medical service to 108,000 illegal immigrants. In Anaheim, classes for elementary school students--80% of whom are first or second generation Hispanics--are held in metal trailers, since the present school buildings can not hold them all. Municipalities in California and other besieged states have vainly tried to address the problem. Thus far the Federal government--whose policies in the end allow this--has been unwilling to reimburse local schools, hospitals and governments for the burgeoning financial costs of so many immigrants. You'll also recall that in 1994--naively believing that the United States really is a free country and that "democracy" reigns supreme--Californians overwhelmingly approved a ballot initiative denying public health benefits and education to illegal aliens. The proposition was overturned in court. ANOTHER ROUND OF AMNESTY As if all of the above was not enough to put you in a rebellious state of mind, yet another "amnesty" is being contemplated in Washington. As I write this President Clinton, hoping to get a few more cheap immigrant votes to help out his junior partner's shaky campaign, is threatening to keep Congress in town until amnesty is granted to nearly one million illegals. Of course, we were told in 1986 that "this is it"--and that the amnesty passed that year would be a one-time phenomenon. Henceforth, nobody should come to America illegally. But as the critics predicted, all this did was encourage larger numbers to come here illegally, who correctly perceived that (in the case of Latinos) the growing numbers and political clout--combined necessarily with spineless politicians--would translate eventually into another amnesty. By the time most of you read this, we'll know which "side" wins the debate in Washington: Clinton, who wants amnesty for everybody, or the GOP leadership which wants to save a little bit of face with the American people by imposing at least a few conditions. Either way, the American people--as well as straining school, public health and municipal budgets--lose. POLARIZING ISSUE To say that this issue is one of the more controversial and polarizing in America is an understatement. As with any such hot issue, name calling and diversionary tactics unfortunately seem to win out over sensible discussion and problem solving. Some of you may be familiar with an organization know as Project USA (whose excellent web site is at This organization, among other things, has erected billboards in several places around the country highlighting the long-term problems posed by out-of-control immigration. The billboards--which have been widely attacked by the Establishment media as well as so-called human rights groups as "racist,"--merely show pictures of small children with the caption, "Immigration is doubling U.S. population in your child's lifetime." In many cities, these billboards have been either vandalized or removed by cowardly public officials; the latter solons also make sure to find the first available camera to denounce the "hate" and "racism" evidenced by people pointing out that America is being invaded. Anyone else, of course, who talks about the out of control problem of immigration is similarly attacked. An organization known as FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) has received special scorn for appealing to many peoples' concerns about suburban sprawl--and linking them to immigration. I suppose this means that sprawl is caused by too few people? FAIR and others have struck several chords, in fact, in appealing to liberals/progressives on issues like sprawl and the environment, eloquently and factually describing how these and other problems are, as should be obvious to anyone, simply caused by too many people. Though he has been registering as little more than a blip in most (controlled) polls, Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan's biggest presence in the news recently also dealt with the subject of immigration. Buchanan's campaign started running a clever--and controversial--ad in California attacking immigration and multi-lingualism; it showed a man choking on a meatball after hearing startling news on a media broadcast that English may no longer be America's language. After dialing 911 to seek help, he is treated to a menu of languages in which to give his "SOS"; before English is reached, he collapses. The ad's message obviously struck a chord, as both Democrat and GOP state officials in the Golden State tripped over each other in a rush for the first camera, before which they could denounce the candidate's "racism." FUTURE IMPLICATIONS It is unpleasant to think about the long-term consequences to our national, cultural and economic fiber of such high levels of immigration--especially if the time does indeed come again when America faces prolonged economic trouble. In the depression of the 1930s, at least America was more homogenous racially and culturally than most sections of the nation are today. In addition, a much higher percentage of the population was based in rural areas and could eke out an existence much better--and with far less complaint--than today's crop of Americans. Imagine being in southern California or southern Florida, in particular, were we to endure another major and prolonged economic downturn. Thankfully, there are some voices out there still who understand the larger context of America's insane, unlimited immigration policy. Writing in the September/October issue of Foreign Affairs, which is published--gasp!--by the Council on Foreign Relations, San Diego Union-Tribune foreign affairs columnist James Goldsborough wrote a piece on "Out of Control Immigration." Following is one excerpt from his outstanding, sensible, scholarly (i.e. "racist") article: "With the US economy soaring, few care that immigration to the United States is at its highest absolute levels. But what happens when the economy falls back to earth? High-tech immigrant workers are already competing with Americans for jobs, while unskilled immigrant laborers are becoming a permanent underclass. High immigration is creating imbalances in education, income distribution, employment, and welfare demands--as well as tensions between immigrants and citizens and among the federal, state, and local governments. An economic slump will mean crisis. Congress and the White House need to cut back now." But, alas, Congress and the White House will do no such thing. Nor, most likely, will their next occupants. Instead, both major parties and their allies in Corporate America coolly reap the temporary political and financial benefits of slowly destroying the economic and cultural fabric of America. Those who vote for candidates--including Bush and Gore, as well as House and Senate candidates--who refuse to stop this destruction should not complain as the consequences descend upon us all. Chris Temple is Editor and Publisher of The National Investor, and can be reached on the Internet at - ------ end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:25:01 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] NRA Supports Gun Grabber - GOA Supports Forton for US Senate From: "Mark Forton" Subject: News Release Date sent: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 11:07:44 -0400 For immediate release: Mark Forton for U.S. Senate October 28, 2000 Contact: 810-997-6107 THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION SUPPORTS GUN GRABBER FOR U. S. SENATE THE GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA GIVES ABRAHAM A D- FORTON EARNS A SOLID A In their 2000 Candidate Rating issue, the Gun Owners of America has given Senator Abraham a D- Rating. The GOA lists five examples of 2nd Amendment legislation in which Abraham voted against our gun rights 4 out of 5 times. The announcement was made on the heels of Charlton Heston's one day, three city, tour of Michigan. Heston spoke at NRA Gun Rallies in Grand Rapids, Lansing and Flint in support of Bush and Abraham. Thousands of Abraham signs and bumper stickers were passed out to unsuspecting NRA supporters who were asked to "Vote Freedom First". "I have been a life member of the NRA for 29 years and I cannot believe that the NRA would support a gun grabber like Abraham." Said Mark Forton, the Reform Party candidate for the U.S. Senate. Forton is the recipient of a perfect 'A' Rating from the GOA." j - ------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 22:01:33 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] U.S. Border Patrol Shot at by Mexican Army Dear Brigade, "This is the second confirmed incident this year in which Border Patrol agents have been shot at by the Mexican military. The other occurred on March 14 in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. As in the previous incident, disaster in this case was averted only through the exemplary professionalism, courage and restraint of the involved Border Patrol agents...." GO PAT GO!!!!!!!! Linda - ------------ From: Date sent: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 18:40:02 EDT Subject: ALERT: U.S. Border Patrol Shot at by Mexican Army To: FREEDOM NOW NETWORK - October 27, 2000 U.S. BORDER PATROL SHOT AT BY MEXICAN ARMY National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 American Federation Of Government Employees Protecting Those Who Protect Our Borders PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [San Diego, CA] Shortly after noon on October 24, 2000, two U.S. Border Patrol agents patrolling the international border between the United States and Mexico were shot at by ten men dressed in military-style uniforms with tactical vests and carrying high-powered military rifles with bayonets. The incident occurred in Copper Canyon, about eight miles east of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. Almost immediately after the agents disembarked from a clearly marked Border Patrol helicopter, the soldiers fired approximately eight shots at them from Mexico. The agents took cover in thick brush and identified themselves in Spanish as Border Patrol agents, but were nonetheless pursued by some of the soldiers, who entered the United States by crossing a well-maintained barbed-wire fence. The other Mexican soldiers set up two sniper positions, one in Mexico and the other in the United States. The soldiers searched the area, pointing their weapons in the direction of the Border Patrol agents and ordering them in Spanish to come out of the brush. The agents did not comply, but instead identified themselves again and told the soldiers to return to Mexico. Once other Border Patrol agents neared the scene, the soldiers retreated to Mexico and drove off in a minivan. This is the second confirmed incident this year in which Border Patrol agents have been shot at by the Mexican military. The other occurred on March 14 in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. As in the previous incident, disaster in this case was averted only through the exemplary professionalism, courage and restraint of the involved Border Patrol agents. Local 1613 of the National Border Patrol Council, which represents over 2,100 Border Patrol employees in the San Diego area, is seeking immediate action by the governments of both nations to ensure that incursions and acts of aggression by the Mexican military cease and desist before a tragedy occurs. For further information, contact L. Keith Weeks, Local 1613 Vice-President, at (909) 600-2566. THANKS to Marie Gunther (California) who forwarded this IMPORTANT message. **********_____________ *_____________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ FREEDOM NOW NETWORK %Dot Bibee ( Knoxville, TN Ph/FAX (865) 577-7011 - ------- end ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 22:41:34 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] IL - Miracles in the Works Dear Brigade, See two emails below from Bonnie Brokaw - Downstate Illinois Coordinator for Pat. The first is an update on Pat's visit to Chicago tomorrow. The second is her inspiring email on the Illinois Brigades! GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!! Linda - ---------- From: Date sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 22:08:31 EST Subject: UPDATE ON PAT'S VISIT TO CHICAGO!! Dear Brigades, Here's the latest on Pat's visit to Chicago! Pat will arrive tomorrow at 3:54 P.M. at O'Hare Airport -- United Flight #850. At this time, it's not clear where he will be going after he leaves the airport. (Details are still being worked out with the TV and radio stations for interviews.) You can also see Pat at PBS television station WTTW located at 5400 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, Illinois, where he will be arriving at 6:40 P.M. to be interviewed on the program from 7:00 P.M.-7:30 P.M. Following the program, Pat will have to leave the station immediately to catch a plane at O'Hare at 8:15 P.M. So if WTTW is where you'd like to see Pat, I'd suggest you arrive there about 6:15 P.M. or so and wait near the entrance. I'm sending out this E-mail so that others can plan accordingly. Either location would be great for Pat to see a crowd gathered at, so make your plans! Hope that helps! Gotta go now -- lots of mail to respond to! GO-PAT-GO!! Bonnie Brokaw Downstate Illinois Coordinator, Buchanan Brigades - ------------- Dear Linda, For the past week, myself and other Buchanan supporters from the 18th Congressional District of Illinois have been traveling the state's six downstate districts campaigning for Pat (representing 4/5 of the state geographically.) During these travels, we have handed out hundreds of yard signs, numerous, large 4' x 8' mini-billboards, brochures, bumper stickers and other campaign material, and met countless people and spoke to them about the issues and our candidate, Pat Buchanan. What we have learned, to our delight, is that people don't feel any differently about Gore and Bush now that the so-called debates are over, than they did before the debates. In other words, they still don't like them, nor do they trust them! Furthermore, 1 in about every 5 voters is saying that he or she is going to vote for Pat, which by my math equals 20%!! What that means to me is that despite everything The Establishment media has done to black-out any news of Pat and his campaign, not to mention what the CPD has done to rob Pat of his right to debate Gore and Bush, the people are still drawn to him. It's as if they instinctively know that Pat is the one person who can put this country back on the right course -- and I have to believe that this is the Hand of God at work. How else can you explain it? Indeed, if all I had done this past week was listen to The Establishment media's "polls" -- which are all contrived and utterly false -- I would be understandably discouraged. But by having gotten out and actually talked to people, I have learned that Pat has a much bigger following than I realized!! People seem to come alive the moment they realize you are with his campaign -- and engage you in conversation before you even open your mouth. Even more importantly, however, is my request for you, Linda, to impart to Pat that although he may be discouraged about not getting into the debates, the people's minds weren't changed one wit by those two goof-balls in Boston, Winston- Salem and St. Louis!! In other words, PAT IS STILL IN THE RACE and Christians here and throughout the United States are PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE, and relying on verses from Scriptures to see that miracle manifest before our eyes. What a witness it would be to see the power of Christ completely confuse and confound The Establishment with a win for Pat, despite all that it did to destroy his candidacy. After all, the Lord did it time and again in the Old Testament -- confusing and confounding the enemy, causing them to be blinded or to do utterly stupid things. Who's to say He could not do it again to the enemy posing the biggest threat to Pat right now -- The Establishment media and Voter News Service? Maybe that's the very reason Pat never got into the debates, because the Lord is planning on "bringing (him) out with a Mighty Hand" WITHOUT those darned "debates" -- so that everyone will know WHO is backing Pat Buchanan and that HE doesn't need "debates" to bring his servants victory! (Remember what He did in Exodus 14:23-31, when the Israelites witnessed first-hand the sight of "…the Egyptians dead on the seashore." Scriptures goes on to say "And when Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses".) We shall see what the Lord's will is for this election, but one thing is for sure: we must keep our FAITH, keep our PRAYERS GOING FOR A MIRACLE, and keep WORKING DILIGENTLY FOR HIS SERVANT, PAT BUCHANAN. Bonnie Brokaw Downstate Illinois Coordinator, Buchanan Brigades - -------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 23:45:46 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] [HOT!] Claim Your Vote For Pat Dear Brigade, I spoke with Jim Condit and Nancy Dobson today and asked them if they thought it was too late to send this out. Both said NO - do it now! If each one of you sends this email to everyone in your address book it will be all over the world in 24 hours. Most of us want paper ballots because they are the only way to truly verify an election. Until we do, here is an idea on how we can have paper ballots this November 7th. Send in your ballot and claim your vote for Pat! Send your contact info (name; address; phone; email address) with a note stating you will vote for Pat Buchanan. Ask every Buchanan supporter to do the same. Claim your vote for Pat and Ezola by emailing it to Jim Condit at: (or see smail address below) This will be a record of votes cast for Pat that we can cross- match with the computer vote count in local precincts. Now of course, I know that not everyone who votes for Pat will send in a paper ballot confirming a Buchanan vote. But, if we get enough of them to cross-match in one or two precincts we can use them to sample the accuracy of a local polling area. Another idea Nancy and I talked about was to set up a table at polling areas (or just sit in your car). Have a sign that reads: "If you Voted for a 3rd Party Candidate - Sign In Here!" Have a different sheet of paper for each third party - Reform; Green; Constitution; etc. Ask voters to make sure that their vote is counted by filling out their contact info and the names of the 3rd party candidates they voted for. After the polls close, send all the names to the HQ's of the various 3rd parties (send Pat's names to Jim Condit - Citizens for a Fair Vote Count PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211) See Nancy Dobson's outstanding email below. And please forward this email across the planet. FTC-Linda - ---------- From: "Books Of The Lamb" Date sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 BUCHANAN and FOSTER The issue is sovereignty. Everyone knows our politicians have sold us out. The House and Senate recently voted in favor of China and against the U.S. Our markets are held hostage by the World Trade Organization. Private land is taken by United Nations Heritage groups. Both Bush and Gore have promised that if they are elected they will move America even more permanently into a one world government, where the leaders will not be elected by the citizens and our Constitution and the rights and freedoms it protects will become null and void. Not that our Constitutional rights haven't been under attack right here at home. In many of its decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court has ignored the limits and safeguards built into the Constitution and ruled as if it had unlimited power. This is the result of Justices being chosen by Presidents beholden to corporate interests who promote candidates who share their power hungry agenda. Part of the deception being perpetrated on Americans is our so- called "prosperity." Contrary to media hype, the perception of prosperity is due largely to hundreds of millions of extra dollars being printed by the Federal Reserve, which takes its orders from global corporation owners. Don't expect this artificially created prosperity to continue for very long after the election. If Americans vote for either Bush or Gore they will vote for the end of democracy. Both of them are owned and controlled by international corporations for whom democracy is a nuisance. If either one is elected, we will probably lose the freedom to have elections within the next four years. While many people feel and know this truth, they do not know what to do about it. What we can do is vote our conscience. We can take a leap of faith and vote for the candidate who has consistently spoken out for America and the Christian values that built democracy and this country. Pat Buchanan has been fighting for America for years. He is dedicated to preserving our democracy and protecting our Constitution. When he is elected to the Presidency he will continue to fight, and he'll have the power to make the changes necessary to reestablish the Constitution and bring integrity back to the political process. Pat Buchanan, who has worked with two Republican administrations, has spent years researching, studying, writing about and speaking out on government issues. (His latest book is: "A Republic, Not An Empire.") He understands economic issues, foreign policy, the Constitution, and the mechanics of the Presidency. He is not owned by any corporate or international power. His campaign accepts no soft money and no foreign contributions. As President he would expose any destructive decisions made by the Federal Reserve and stabilize the American economy. His work during this campaign proves he is tough enough to turn this country around. Even liberals, who have the right to voice their opinions and choose their own lifestyle, will lose their rights if democracy fails. Whether you are liberal or conservative, you should vote for Pat Buchanan. ELECTORAL COLLEGE Some people still think that Pat Buchanan could not be elected President because "all the electoral college members are either Republicans or Democrats." America's Founding Fathers created the electoral college, whereby candidates who win the popular vote in a state are elected to the Presidency by electors who cast a separate vote for them. The electors are chosen according to the number of congressional districts in a state plus two at large members to represent the state's senators. Thus, a state with only one congressional district has three electoral college votes, but a state with twelve congressional districts has fourteen votes. Each Presidential Candidate chooses his own electoral college members, who are pledged to vote for him when he wins the popular vote in a state. Pat Buchanan, who is on the ballot in 49 states and will be a write in candidate in Michigan, has a full slate of electoral college members in every state in the United States. When he wins the popular vote in a state, he will be elected to the Presidency by his own electoral college members. THE VICE PRESIDENT Women have governed many countries around the world including Britain, India, and Israel. The requirements to be President are very basic. One has to have good judgment and the courage of one's convictions. Ezola Foster has proven she has both -- in her book ("What's Right For All Americans") and articles, in her public speaking engagements, and in her private and professional decisions. Harry Truman had only a high school education, but he was a fine president. Ronald Reagan had degenerative brain disease while in office, but managed to carry on as President. The professionals a President chooses as advisors and policy makers help run the government. Ezola Foster, who has a master's degree and 30 years of professional experience, will make an excellent President in eight years when she runs for that office. The other VP candidates - Cheney, who was Secretary of Defense during the Gulf War, and could be expected to mastermind other wars for profit where American soldiers and others can be destroyed; and Lieberman, whose voting record is consistently liberal while he talks conservative - have such strong records of destruction and deviousness that they should not even be taken seriously. TAKE TWO STEPS TO TAKE BACK AMERICA ONE: Vote the rascals out! That means vote for anyone except a Republican or Democrat. They all are compromised by accepting millions of dollars of campaign contributions from corporate interests that write legislation for them and dictate how they are to vote. Send a message to the lobbyists and corporate bosses that America is not for sale by voting exclusively for candidates who are not Republicans or Democrats. The Constitution Party is conservative, the Green Party is more liberal. Reform Party candidates are a mixture of both. No one in any of these parties could be worse than the corrupt politicians who are now in office, and almost all of them are much, much better. If no candidate other than a Republican or Democrat is running for a particular office, network with your friends and write in a candidate's name. Promise yourself that you will vote for no candidate who is either a Republican or a Democrat! TWO: Prevent vote fraud by claiming your vote. That vote fraud is wide spread in America has been proved many times. Computerized vote counting is extremely easy to manipulate. (See http://www. and http://www.votescam. com.) Ask your local or state election board for a list of the candidates running for office and their addresses (this list may also be available on election board web sites and, if you do not have a computer, may be obtained at your library). Send a letter, post card, fax or e-mail to every candidate for whom you will vote. Tell them, "I am going to vote for you on November 7. Please keep this message and others like it as a check against the computerized voting system." If candidates get enough letters, they can challenge the computerized vote count in the courts. Have faith. Send the letters today. Then vote for your candidates on November 7. Claim your vote for Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster. E-mail it to Jim Condit at: S-Mail it to: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 If Buchanan is not elected to the Presidency this year, this may be the last free election in America. Those who steal our votes, corrupt our politicians, and destroy moral values in our country are poised to take the Republic out of our hands once and for all. Today it is in our power to stop them. Tomorrow it may not be. Claim your vote today. Then cast the vote you want to live with for the rest of your life. Please Copy and Share this Message ND (Nancy Dobson) - ------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:49:14 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Bush & Gore Ignore DISH Network - Pat's Message on Channel 254 From: Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:17:44 -0500 To: Linda Muller Subject: Bush & Gore Ignore DISH Network - Pat's Message on Channel 254 Linda: I've been watching Channel 254 on the DISH Network since the channel was activated last week. It appears that Bush and Gore feel that since they have the traditional media locked up, then there is no need to bother with alternate outlets. Even though Echostar/DISH Network specifically offered their campaigns free rotating 30-minute slots, I have yet to see anything from either the Republicans or the Democrats. That means that the channel has become exclusively devoted to getting out the messages of the two third party candidates. Pat and Ralph Nader are the only other ones invited who accepted Echostar's offer. Pat's 30-minute spot can be seen every hour! I know that initially there was some concern about Bush/Gore making use of the channel at the last minute. But that doesn't seem to be the case. This channel is an excellent way for people affected by the media blackout to learn of Pat's positions on the issues for themselves. Please have all of Pat's supporters tell everyone they know that are subscribers to the DISH Network satellite TV service to turn to channel 254 to hear the true conservative, pro-life candidate. Mike - ------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:09:46 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] [HOT] Public Radio Plan! Dear Brigade, See 3 emails below! If you don't have an ad to run or need to know how to approach your local PBS contact - Steven Raiser at and Jeff Jatras at - and/or John Fey at Let's get these ads running in your town today! FTC-Linda - --------- From: "J.T. Fey" To: Subject: Public Radio plan working in Tennessee Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:04:06 -0600 To: Reform Party State Chairman From: John T. Fey, Chairman - Tennessee Reform Party Good News To Report! Reference: Public Radio free advertising is working in Tennessee! On 10/27/2000 I received an email from Steven Raiser from media department at the Buchanan headquarters in Vienna. It was a complete game plan on how to get free advertising for Pat Buchanan on public radio. I went to the web site clicked on the "your stations" link and printed out a list of all the Public Radio stations in Tennessee. I then called all the stations and found out the name of the program director and the fax number to the station. I then typed a letter using the basic format suggested by Steve Riser and faxed a letter to each station. I have fax software on my computer because I personally prefer a fax to email, but you can email instead. I then had our Vice Chairman, James D. Jones, follow-up with a phone call. (Follow-up is necessary). We also have our people alerted so they can listen for the ad. We have sort of created a Public Radio task force We started the program yesterday and are we are still negotiating with some stations, but as of now, after only one day, we will have some Buchanan ads running on Public Radio in Knoxville, TN today and the Public Radio station in Memphis, TN has scheduled our Treasurer for an interview. Actually, the station in Memphis was surprised we had waited so long to contact them. Out of nine stations we have only had one that would not corporate and we are still working with that station. This program is well worth your time and effort! - -------- From: Jeff Jatras (Buchanan Reform HQ). John Cooney, our aggressive state contact in Kansas hit on a brainstorm when he determined that according to FCC Act #312A7 and FCC Act #399B & 315, we can get maximum converage of the candidate on all Public stations persuant to "public access" requirements!!! We have copies of the FCC Acts! We have copies of the letter you should use to accompany it. We have copies of Pat's acceptance speech from Long Beach ready to air. We want to send these materials to you ASAP so you will be able to approach your local public station with everything necessary to get Pat onto their airwaves. Get your volunteers and yourselves to check your local stations. If you want to get Pat on the air, or know that one of your volunteers is working to do it, then send me your name, address, and tell me that you want the FCC package, and I'll send you the FCC Acts, a sample letter, and the acceptance video overnight. Please don't order the package unless you will use it. We don't have an unlimited supply of the video and want to make sure we use them wisely. GO PAT GO! JEFF JATRAS PS- PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS IN YOUR RESPONSE EVEN IF YOU KNOW I ALREADY HAVE YOUR ADDRESS SINCE I AM PRINT SCREENING YOUR EMAILS AND IT SAVE ME A BUNCH OF TIME TRYING TO FIND YOUR ADDRESSESS. - ----------- From: (Ross's Raiders) Date sent: Subject: URGENT!! FREE RADIO/TV TIME BINGO!! FEC '72 Equal Time Rule "Ride The Light To Liberty" THE-NETIZEN-PARTY - ----- Want to post some political radio/TV spots, FOR FREE? Thanks to a nephew, I pass on what no one else seems to have noticed (I DO read unhappiness about Bush and Gore getting free time, but nothing there about such an obvious way to retaliate): According to the Washington Post, as a federal candidate you can DEMAND your LEGAL RIGHTS, based on reading two sections of FCC law, together (sadly they did not indicate which sections of the law). I quote from what I retrieved a few minutes ago from: articles/ ml - -------- Political Ads Shock Public Radio Fans By Lori Montgomery and Jo Becker Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, October 25, 2000; Page B01 Under a rarely used federal law, public radio and television stations must give free, uncensored airtime to any federal candidate who wants it. Lierman may be the first major-party candidate to use the law, according to a federal communications official. And since Lierman's campaign ad began airing Monday, WAMU has been bracing for an onslaught.... The law, a provision of the Federal Communications Act, requires all broadcasting outlets--commercial and noncommercial--to provide federal candidates with "reasonable access" to the airwaves, without any censorship by the stations. Another part of the act forbids noncommercial stations to accept payment for political advertising. Taken together, the law's provisions should add up to a bonanza for any federal candidate. But the law has been on the books since 1972, said Bobby Baker, political programming chief at the FCC, and "it has always surprised me how few major-party candidates ever invoke it for their campaigns." © 2000 The Washington Post Company - ------ end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:47:00 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Drudge: ABC Election Results Reported One Week Early Dear Brigade, read below. Then make sure you - and all your contacts - CLAIM YOUR VOTE FOR PAT -- see my previous email! FTC-Linda - ---------- From: Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:54:39 -0500 Organization: Brandenburg Historica To: So it's all a fraud then? Why bother then ...... XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX MON OCT 30, 2000 23:02:39 ET XXXXX ABC AFFILIATE REPORTS ELECTION RESULTS IN CALIFORNIA -- WEEK BEFORE THE VOTE! ABC NEWS affiliate KGTV in San Diego is reporting that Republican George W. Bush has won California with 70% of the vote -- one week before Election Day! The station hit total embarrassment after the "results" were posted on the station's website, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal. With 100% of all precincts reporting, KGTV declared Bush had received 8,201,951 votes to Al Gore's 1,757,561 [15%]. Buchanan had 5% to Nader's 4%. Sen. Dianne Feinstein won reelection with 5,272,683 votes [45%] easily topping Tom Campbell 4,686,829 [40%]. The station did not return repeated calls for comment late Monday night. - ----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates (c)DRUDGE REPORT 2000 - ------ end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:04:00 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] VOTE for PJB - Straw Poll and Netscape Poll From: Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 03:16:40 EST Subject: URGENT! Linda! Check this out! UPPC Pre-Primary Straw Poll! To: 31 October 2000 Dear Linda, I just stumbled across something a few minutes ago and I think it's fantastic! Have you heard of the UPPC Pre-Primary Straw Poll being conducted by the newly-formed Unity Party out of Florida? It's on E-groups -- and NBC, CBS, Dateline, 48 Hours, Today, and a variety of other major news sources are monitoring it!! I have already voted in the poll for Pat, and intend to tell family, friends and Brigades in the downstate districts about it and urge them to vote as well! Then, from Friday (7:00 P.M.) to Saturday (7:00 P.M.), we'll be voting again in UPPC's Straw Poll for the top three presidential candidates that come out of the "Pre-Primary Straw Poll" being conducted this week (which ends on Friday at 7 P.M.) I think this is something the Brigades throughout the country should be notified about right away, Linda. As you will learn, Pat was pulling 50% of the vote in this poll. Then the Libertarians found out and started voting like crazy, shooting Browne up to 77% and causing Pat to drop to 7%. The group states that "Buchanan supporters are expected to mount a comeback once the UPPC Reform Party Rep. gets back to work on Monday calling key contacts to inform them that the polls are open...Once all Reform contacts find out the polls are open, BUCHANAN SHOULD REBOUND TO MAKE IT AN INTERESTING RACE." It also states, almost prophetically: "With five days to go as word gets around about the UPPC straw poll, anything can's possible that the MEDIA REPORTS MAY INDUCE PUBLIC HYSTERIA and double, or even triple, the number of votes currently expected to be cast for all alternative candidates." The group closes with an invitation to "Call everyone you know and get them to participate...if enough people participate in this experiment it will attract media attention and the impossible might just become possible." Let me know what you think, will you, Linda? I think this just may be the miracle we've all been praying for! Here's the website: Bonnie Brokaw Peoria, Illinois - ----------- From: "McFillin, Jim" To:"''" Subject: Netscape Poll--Again Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 06:07:30 -0500 Linda, Netcape Home page is having another poll. Pat needs our help. Can you forward? Jim - ------- end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:10:15 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] The Silent Riot From: To: Date sent: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 23:59:12 -0700 Subject: The Silent Riot Linda, thanks for your commitment to exposing the GOP's abandonment of core values, including abortion. This issue is so vital to me, I cannot in good conscience vote for any other man that he who stands unequivocally for the unborn child. At 20 I understand more than ever the atrocity this "policy" has been to my generation. And it disgusts me that to today's leadership it exists merely as a "plank" on which many fight over. Below is a commentary I wrote about a recent experience I had as Youth Coordinator, speaking on Pat's behalf, in a local school. Please feel free to distribute as you wish. I just hope it makes people "lock and load" in the war for the unborn in our ballot choices this fall. FTC, Eddie Willing Youth Coordinator, Oregonians for Buchanan Committee Gresham, Oregon - ------------------------------------- The Silent Riot By: Edward Willing October 25th, 2000 Gresham, Oregon Taking A Stand In Public Schools I recently had the privilege of speaking at Clackamas High School, on behalf of Reform Party Presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan. In a room designed more like an auditorium than a classroom, I delivered a speech on Mr. Buchanan's issues, and fielded questions from over 150 students and teachers over a one hour period. We rattled cages on such topics as gun rights, foreign policy and immigration. As might be expected for such a hot-button issue this election, abortion was one of the first to be addressed by an inquiring student. After some discussion, one anxious sophomore with a slight of contempt in her voice quipped: "I'm 16 years old and if I got pregnant right now, it would ruin my life. I'd have to quit school, get a job and it would just ruin everything. I would abort the baby. What do you think about that scenario?" My first response was, "well, I hope you don't get pregnant." After the laughter died down, and I gathered myself to answer such a straightforward, piercing question I asked her, "how can the elimination of a nuisance human life abrogate a woman of the consequences of her irresponsibility?" Abortion has become a form of birth control. And now with the release of Mifepristone (RU-486) in the U.S. next month, abortion may now gain the official designation as a do-it- yourself operation of systematic execution; a human insecticide designed as a cheap, two-part remedy to the expensive abortion procedure, which your tax dollars now pay for. In direct answer to the girl's question, I suggested adoption, to which one teacher replied that he knows the system to be so corrupt and damaging that many children may end up being abused emotionally, and turn out living in disadvantaged circumstances. While he knew this to be the exception not the rule, what followed far outmaneuvered anything I could have said all day. Another young girl raised her hand. She looked to be about 14 or 15, and somewhat shy. While she intended to ask a question, she resorted to telling me she was adopted as a baby. "I know the system," she said. "I know how it works. My mom chose to have me and give me up for adoption instead," she continued, as her voice began to crack. Every person in that auditorium froze. You could hear a pin drop as every soul observed this girl on the edge of tears tell how she was given up for adoption instead of being aborted. I listened intently, and when she was finished, thanked her, and told her I was so glad that she was here to tell us her story. She just smiled. The girl who challenged me was silent. Faced with the notion that her desire to keep her life from being "ruined" by her own irresponsibility - God forbid! - could erase from existence another precious girl such as this… well, there was simply no excuse. It was at this moment, as this little girl smiled at me, that I realized that this issue of "pro-life" is not simply about black vs. white, Right vs. Left, Choice vs. Life, or Roe vs. Wade. It's about me and it's about you. It's how we look at each other, where we place each other on our list of importance, how high we're willing to value others we don't even know. How much does the human life of someone we don't yet know matter in our own minds? The very attitude that claims the lives of tens of thousands every year through gun violence is the very attitude that causes one to attempt to dampen the validity of pre-birth humanity, at the excuse of convenience, or one's "constitutional right". The Million-Child March History has borne us examples of human inequality, and displayed that injustice will not go unanswered. In the 1890's it was the child labor issue. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, millions of women sought to have themselves recognized as equal individuals in political society. In the 1960's millions of African Americans marched against that culture which had derided them of basic human dignity and respect. Today we have a much greater cause, a much deeper conviction. There is a silent riot in the conscience of men and women, of could-have-beens, whose violence will never be seen, whose anger will never be heard. Painful it is to imagine a mob of 40 million angry, livid "fetuses", crying out for justice on the clouds of heaven. There is a million-child march making it's way through the streets of the roads we chose not to travel. Of the ghost towns that were never built because half a generation was annihilated in the name of "convenience". Thousands of politicians and millions of women have decided to remove these thoughts from their minds, and pervert science to numb their guilt. They've reduced human life, aside from their own, to mere happenstance, insignificant. But not all have forgotten these innocent children. Some still seek to right the wrong that's been done, to heal this scab that has attached itself to our heritage. It horrifies me to think that half my generation has been wiped of the face of this planet because 9 men sitting in a lofty bench in Washington said we cannot impose our morality on women. But what about the child upon which the doctor and the mother are imposing THEIR morality? The Lesser of Two Evils What's worse is that the favorite politicians of today declare that "decent people" can disagree on this issue, and that it's not a concern on which to be divided. And to top this, millions reason that they'd rather rally behind those who hide, than take the chance that their voice could be the force that turns the tide. Truth will remain constant, even though morals and ideals do not. And that Truth does not appear "electable" at times. In the immortal words of Dante, "There is a special place in hell for those who remain silent." And I shall not remain silent. But when is enough going to be enough? While we diplomatically attempt to subvert this culture of death and selfishness in our country, through "take-what-we-can-get" tactics, tens of thousands of children are being slaughtered in the name of convenience. Surely, there are strong men and women in our ruling body who will forever stand for Truth and justice. But they are now the "fringe"… the "fundamentalists". I believe Almighty God is more horrified at this prolonged decadence than we are; we've had nearly 30 years and 14 elections, let's vote our conscience for once, and let God do the rest. Hundreds die while you decide your vote... - ------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:44:12 -0500 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Brigades Attack This Sunday! Dear Brigade, This weekend the "Christian" Coalition will complete the distribution of their misleading voter guides. ALL Brigades are needed to be on duty at every place of worship this Sunday. I know it's Sunday, and we are used to being meek and humble, and nice -- especially at church. We should still be nice -- but know our rights! If the CC has flyers available, we must have them as well. If the church parking lot is flyered, then lets put our out flyers out too. If the CC flyers are not at your church and you are not permitted to put our flyers in the church pews or in the vestibule, try putting them on the cars. If that fails, stand in a strategic location and hand them to fellow church members. The goal is to do whatever it takes to ensure that we distribute millions of our flyers this Sunday. You can download Char's pro-life flyer from our website at: Or see the info below and make your own handout. Include our web address: as a source for more info. Then get about 500 copies made for about $10-15. FTC-Linda - --------- From: Date sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 20:46:40 EST Subject: No Subject Dear Voter: It now appears George W. Bush will be elected President of the United States because of a BIG LIE promulgated by Christian leaders, Christian organizations, and Christian radio stations. The BIG LIE is that George W. Bush would stop the murder of unborn children (abortion). What are the facts? The pro-abortion U. S. Supreme Court has 7 justices who were appointed by Republican Presidents. The Republican justices are John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, William H. Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter and Clarence Thomas. Since most of the seven justices are pro-abortion, why does anyone believe a Republican President would tilt the Supreme Court to become pro-life? What about George Bush's position on abortion? As Governor of Texas, Bush has appointed four judges to the nine-judge Texas Supreme Court, which earlier this year stunned social conservatives throughout the state of Texas by issuing a 6-3 ruling that allowed a 17-year-old high school senior to have an abortion without telling her parents. Appointees of George W. Bush took the lead in this disastrous ruling. Please see: Thursday September 7, 2000. During the first presidential debate, when asked by moderator Jim Lehrer if, as President, he would work to overturn the FDA's decision to distribute RU-486, the abortion pill, Bush said he didn't think the President can do that. A strange comment, considering the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner is appointed by the President. Certainly, the President can instruct his appointee to revisit the question of RU-486 approval. Thus it is perfectly clear that a President Bush would do nothing to stop abortion. Further confirmation of this fact was given on the show CNN Inside Politics October 25, 2000, Wednesday, Transcript # 00102500V15: CNN Judy Woodruff asks Ralph Nader: "Aren't you concerned if Bush wins he'll appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade?" NADER: "I don't think that's going to happen. ... I've heard from so many Republican operatives who say to me privately: 'If the Republican Party is ever responsible for reversing Roe versus Wade, it would destroy the party.' And I believe it would." On the financial issues affecting everyone, unless the treasonous trade policies are immediately changed, President Bush or Gore will preside over the collapse of the American economy. The Clinton-Gore Administration in cooperation with the Republican Congress and Republican Governors like Bush has initiated "free" trade policies that have increased the U. S. trade deficit from 114 billion in 1996 to over 400 billion this year. At this rate of increase, the trade deficit will pass 1000 billion (one trillion) in the year 2004, and the American economy will collapse because of the obvious massive dollar crisis. A vote for Bush or Gore is not only a vote for abortion. It is also a vote for economic suicide for America. There are six Presidential candidates on the ballot, but only two of them, Pat Buchanan and Howard Phillips, would actually work for both life for the unborn, and economic security for Americans. We pray you will vote for one of them. Americans for Life 101 Shields Gap Rd. Roseland, VA 22967 - ----------- Dear Patriot, I printed 50 of these to give out at my very small church yesterday. I discovered one Buchanan supporter, persuaded her husband to shift to Buchanan from Bush, and talked to one Bush supporter who wasn't concerned about a trillion dollar trade deficit. Everyone else took the information home to read. Frankly, I feel this is an extremely effective piece of literature, and pray you will it use this Sunday. The "Christian Coalition" is passing out their false voter guides. Let's attack! When setting up to print this page, leave a space between paragraphs and put the CNN transcript quotes in italics. I suggest you leave Howard Phillips name on it. It then becomes non partisan, and will not hurt the Buchanan vote at all. Please use your own address as Americans for Life. If we could get this letter in the hands of every voter, it would have an enormous impact. Al Gore is a wolf, but George Bush is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Charge! If you have any questions, please call me, David White (804) 277-8555. - ------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of brigade-l V1 #117 ************************