We need you. We need you to vote. Tommorow is Election Day. It’s absolutely essential to vote. Your vote for Pat may be the most meaningful vote you’ll ever cast. It means that despite the scorn of the pundits, the open hatred of much of the media elite, you’re willing to stand up for what you believe. Your vote will say yes you do want to build a principled Third Party, a party that will fight to conserve the best of America’s traditions. It will say that you do care about the jobs of American workers and families, even though the big money Republicrats want you to think the election is really about “prescription drugs.” It’s a vote that says you don’t want young Americans sent to die in other people’s tribal wars, and you don’t want Americans to kill other people whose countries have never hurt us. It’s a vote that says that you want a common sense immigration policy, one that doesn’t let in illegal aliens with a wink and a nod because some poultry plant owner wants a ready supply of low wage workers. It’s a vote that says you want to build a party that stands squarely on behalf of the rights of the unborn and not trim its sails to fit the polls on this great moral question. It’s a vote that says you will stand by your convictions, even in adversity, that you are person that takes their responsibilities as a citizen and patriot seriously. It’s a vote that says you want this party, which now reflects Pat’s thinking at every level, to grow into something powerful. You know there will be setbacks--seemingly insurmountable obstacles. As there are with pursuing every worthwhile goal. But your vote for Pat says that you’re willing to overcome them, to see them through. So get out and vote. Pat needs you to. And make sure to call around to find if anyone you know needs a ride to the polls. Your Mom and Dad, perhaps, or grandparents. Your friends -especially the pro Pat patriots. If we don’t fight, we could lose this country--the best country anybody ever had. http://www.buchananreform.com/volunteer If you would like to volunteer to help the Buchanan-Foster campaign, follow the link above. If you would like to be removed from this e-mail list, follow the link below.