Path: be05!!!c03.atl99!!!53ab2750!not-for-mail From: (ˇGölök Z.L.F Buday, AKA The Absent Mind™ AKA Rev. Lucy Für™ AKA Phil Lander™ˇ) Newsgroups: bc.politics,van.general,alt.mindcontrol,alt.politics.libertarian,alt.freedom,alt.freespeech,alt.journalism Subject: [fWD] [My useless opinion: MLA -- Kiss Ass Ads and Disability: Is Ont. To Blame?] [LBTR/LBTR][LIBERPHRENIA] [ANTIRAPEPHRENIA] [CREDAPHRENIA] [HUMORPHRENIA] [MORALPHREENIA] [ANTISPYPHRENIA] [USCONSTITUTIONALISTPHRENIA] [ANTIESPIONAPHRENIA] Keywords: The Voltairian,The Pyromaniac Of Madison County,Libertarian,LIBTR,Reform Party of,Pat Buchanan,Buday,G. Buday,Gölök,Gölök Buday,Comedian,Comedy,Politics,Stripping,Strippers,Strip Clubs,ASS-C,Love,Broken Heart,Bitter,Riley Bitterman,Intellectual Property Rights,Police Brutality,Police Brutality Victim Summary: Some Drivel From An Eccentric Libertarian Sender: Gölök Z.L.F Buday, AKA The Blue Angel™ AKA Atomic Wedge™ AKA Bible Thumper™ AKA The Ex-Men™ Organization: ˇBuday Bathhouse Inc.ˇ...Pyromaniac of Madison County™/Miss Anne Thrope™ Reply-To: Message-ID: <> X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 Lines: 368 X-Complaints-To: X-Abuse-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers X-Abuse-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly. NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 12:35:48 EDT Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 16:23:47 GMT Xref: bc.politics:401780 van.general:338210 alt.mindcontrol:134697 alt.politics.libertarian:497388 alt.freedom:117950 alt.freespeech:117396 alt.journalism:183781 X-Received-Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 12:35:05 EDT (be05) X-Body X-FWDSTRT To: MLA-Prem Campbell ,MLA Hansen ,MLA Collins ,REVEREND MLA Anderson ,Rich Coleman , Geoff Plant Subject: My useless opinion: MLA -- Kiss Ass Ads and Disability: Is Ont. To Blame? Cc:,Editor>,Mayor and Council ,,Inquiries ,VPD , Inq ,vpdś,vpdmail•,Police Board VII-04-2004 Independence Day; well for the non-jingoist American. Source: Vancouver Courier...; Pg. 9...Huge Expensive Ad Lower Right Hand Corner. I know I've seen the pricing, the smallest ad is about 75ish (2002). From: Citizen (To the best of his knowlledge), Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday. Is it right to be using tax payer's money to suck up to jingoistic morons who actually believe the monarchist league's bullshit? I think not, nor is it right to pull sentimental strings of any kind on that dime, that is campaigning with taxpayers money and not the indirect "via party" way that somehow is legal. You should be ashamed of that insincere bootlicking (*note: not stated in a sexual context). That ad must haave been illegal campaigning, at least technically. It should be, if not. Oh as for tax payer's money, I might be known as being on disability for a serious re-occuring urilogical condition mostly the fault of some quack in my early childhood at Sick Kids in Toronto, the doctor was well established and got coddled by Ontario's health system. Given the the Nats take BC Revenue and send most of it there and send backk scraps would it not be prudent to demand they (Ont) pay my disability at BC rates even if it requires a trial? It's an interesting way of getting it back. Perhaps even bureacratic costs back. My surgery was botched there and they are getting BC Taxpayer's money, including Provincial collections; oddly enough it couldn't hurt if every juristiction collected their revenues, rather than having the Nats collect BC Taxes or other Prov Taxes. This includes my depressive episodes and anxiety no doubt. Perhaps even the germaphobia.I resent this wild card physical ailment and the fact I have to be on this bloody system and would like to see the right system pay up. [Satyrical Example;] [A message from my dick to the Nurses.:] [Mental Health System(BC-CostalHealth-Van-Regional Authorities)/Team(s)/Car87/Human Right Violations Lead To seeing the now late Dr. Gribble, and now I had and/or have to see Gordon William MacEwan, Dr. or I'm back in the Thought/Behaviour Modification Unit at VGH and who knows what else; this requirement by the jack boots at MHT and Regional/Costal Health relayed to my GP/F-MDr.(Raudzus) required a dangerous delay in my procedure that could have made things worse, to Sept, lovely a earlier opening poped up for my male brain surgery; some "free country:"; Treatise:] Thanks; I hope the criticism teaches you something about fiscal responsibility (regarding kiss ass ads at tax payers expense; is that campaigning legal?] Regards, X-InfoTab Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday The Voltairian News Service/Wire & TMET Aka The Pyromaniac of Madison County/Absent Mind. Freelance Writer [The Absent Mind]; Humorist; Mental Patient; On and Off Politician; Vancouver, BC (Neo Sumer) USA 217-2255 Pandora Street, Stratcona, Vancouver, GVRD(Paine Country), BC(SU), CAN(USoA); V5L 1N7 (1) 604-437-8744 (Phn and Clr v40 Office Jet Fax; Call Before Fax) Political Egotist is a Former, As Listed Publically, Miserable Failure of A Mayoral Candidate in Vancouver who ran on a Independent but a, ignored, rather Libertarian Platform; Gölök Z.L.F Buday (96), Gölök (B.J.) Buday (02): BJ = Black Jester _____________________________________________________________________ Political Egotist, is just a parody of those who think they are so special for running for office, or an organization or winning office that they should have a title under their name as if they are better then anyone else writing to the editor or holding an opinion. _____________________________________________________________________ [..] X-FWDEND X-InfoTag Docta Gov. Admr. Count Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; PhG™/D The My Ego Times, The Voltairian News Wire/Service Aka The Pyromaniac of Madison County. Writer, Humorist [The Absent Mind], and everything else under the moon. [Also said to be a multi-trilionare businessman and Navy SEAL] Vancouver, Neo Sumer/Olympia, Washington/Who knows where else... "Ninety percent of success is showing up." -- Attrib. Woody Allen. Political Egotist is a Former, As Listed Publically, Miserable Failure of A Mayoral Candidate in Vancouver who ran on a Independent but a, ignored, rather Libertarian Platform; Gölök Z.L.F Buday (96), Gölök (B.J.) Buday (02): BJ = ďBlack Jesterď _____________________________________________________________________ Political Egotist, is just a parody of those who think they are so special for running for office, or an organization or winning office that they should have a title under their name as if they are better then anyone else writing to the editor or holding an opinion. _____________________________________________________________________ Redundancies: _____________________________________________________________________ Vancouver Sun: ECT case Rod Keller (rkeller[nobots] Psychiatry: For Your Own Good; Posted By David Oaks - Support Coalition International (dendron[nobots] _____________________________________________________________________ I am a witness to Mz. [MLA] Clark driving an ambulance as a "Team" Player.It was on Woodlands @ Hastings I think. _____________________________________________________________________ [..] X-Links The Official Black Jester Website: My Ego Times: R-LPoV aka C.R.E.E.D. Dictionary: Jim Akwei Vs. NSA; Ft Meade, MA: Item Store: File Downloads: LSPFIX: 3rd Party Central X-Quotes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Rape [Censorship, Gun Control, Espionage, etc...] is a true weapon of mass destruction; that and gun grabbing." -- Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; The Absent Mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pragmatism is a coward's practicality." -- Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; The Absent Mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "In revenge and in love. woman is more barbarous than man.". - Dr. F. Nietzsche -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "As you have the power, sir, to do some service to letters, I implore you not to clip the wings of our writers so closely, nor turn into barndoor fowls those who, allowed a start, might become eagles; reasonable liberty permits the mind to soar--slavery makes it creep." -- Voltaire [A Letter To A First Commissioner] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: Yes, yes. There is a natural law, and it does not consist either in doing harm to others or in rejoicing thereat. -- [FMA] Voltaire; Phil. Dict. -- Natural Law. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An itinerant bookseller does not burden himself with a Virgil, with a Horace, but with a new book, even though it be detestible. He draws a you aside and says to you: "Sir, do you want some books from Holland?" [FMA] Voltaire; Phil. Dict. -- New Novelties (Trends and Fads to Prechew). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Chance is a word void of meaning, nothing happens without a cause." -- Voltaire; Phil. Dict. -- Chance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Cool, like popular, is a word that is often associated with self betrayal." -- Gölök Buday, 2003 aka The Absent Mind -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "One should stat clear of comparing one self to others to feel like scum, one should compare themselves to what they could be or what they were for that; the same could be said about feeling good about one self." -- Gölök Buday, 2003 aka The Absent Mind -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When the poison's pusher uses the poison, you can be sure he has and has used the antidote." -- Gölök Buday, 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then gets elected and proves it. -P.J. O'Rourke -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There may not be an 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in Libertarian (in fact 2)" -- Gölök Buday, April of 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...I would have wished that no one in the state that could claim he was above the law, and that no one from outside the state could dictate a law [Fuck the UN] that the state was obliged to recognize. For regardless of how the government is formally constituted, if there is a single man not subject to the law, all the others are necessarily at that man's mercy." -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau; To The Republic Of Geneva: Discourse On Inequality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...It follows that if in such a fortunate situation it (the country/ state) would have nothing to fear but itself, and if citizens were trained in arms, it would be more for maintaining that soldiery spirit and noble courage that are so well suited for freedom and cultivate the taste for it rather than from the necessity for it's citizens' actual defence. -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau; To The Republic Of Geneva: Discourse On Inequality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Freedom can only exist if all laws apply to all people." -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau; possible paraphrase. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Think, it's not illegal yet." -- George Clinton -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "He who loves himself became great in himself, and he who loved others became great through his devotion, and he who loved God became greater than all." -- Sřren Kierkegaard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Life must be lived forwards, but it can only be understood backwards" -- Sřren Kierkegaard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A Press That Is Not Free Isn't A Press At All" -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A Government, Of All Things, Is To Be Questioned And Inspected" -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "At The Very Least, Insanity Isn't Unsanitary" -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "it is an abomination for a person's tax dollars to be used to further a faith to which he does not subscribe. You want to pray, go to church. Nobody's objecting." -- Thomas Jefferson -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I am the first Prime Minister of this country of neither altogether English nor French origin. So I determined to bring about a Canadian citizenship that knew no hyphenated consideration." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, March 29, 1958, Maclean's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We shall never build the nation which our potential resources make possible by dividing ourselves into Anglophones, Francophones, multiculturalphones, or whatever kind of phoneys you choose. I say: Americans, first, last, and always!" - Gölök Buday, Purposely misquoting the Chiefs Quote For His Own Agenda (2002). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, March 11, 1958 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "As long as there is a drop of blood in my body they won't stop me from talking about freedom." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, June 3, 1962, Sudbury, Ontario. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Freedom includes the right to say what others may object to and resent... The essence of citizenship is to be tolerant of strong and provocative words." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, April 9, 1970, House of Commons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I Am A Surrealists" -- What Salvador Dali Said When Asked Why He Didn't Belong To The Surrealists (this may be true, regarding why actors tend not to belong to the Group of Actors and Libertarians don't always belong to the Libertarian Party.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life" -- Theodore Rooseveldt [IV-10-1899, Chicago, IL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I prefer to go to church, not have church come to me." -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's almost as if he [Bill Clinton] spent 8 years pissing all over the presidency and on his last day went, 'oh! missed a spot." -- Lewis Black on Rich Pardon, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Honesty Makes An Opinion Important, Dishonesty Makes It Irrelevant (unimportant even)" -- Gölök Buday; 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "An Opinion, Like An Axe, Is Only As Good As The Person Who Wields It." -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Value Of A Comment Derives From The Honesty Of The Orator And/Or Writer." -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Height Of Genius Is The Ability To Conceal It." -- George Bernard Shaw -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "[To My Fellow-Citizens of the United States of America I put the following work under your protection. It contains my opinion on religion.] You will do me justice to remember that I have always strenuously supported the right to his own opinion, however different that opinion may be to mine. He who denies another this right makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it." -- Thomas Paine, The Age Of Reason. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There Is A Difference Between Community Involvement and Being Involved (Or A Part Of) In A Community." -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We trained hard but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing. And what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing inefficiency, confusion and demoralization." -- Gaius Petronius Arbiter, 1st century AD; Satyricon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If You Have A Lawsuit, Your Goods, Your Honor, Your Very Life Depends On The Very Interpretation Of A Book You Never Read." -- Francois "Voltaire" Marie Arouet; Phil. Dictionary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Suppression Of A Word Is What Gives It Power." -- Lenny Bruce. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Window Peepers, Authoritarians In General, Tend To Be The Biggest Scoundrels." -- Gölök Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sometimes, It's Not A Good Idea To Listen For, But A Good Question." -- Gölök Buday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Small Government's A Start" -- Gölök Buday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Funny how diversity is ok unless it's of opinion or philosophical." -- Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; On "Divisive Opinions and Issues;" December 2nd, 2002. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I rather have one competant employee, than a million incompetent ones, one competent something than a million incompetent something; and criminality counts as incompetance in business as well." -- Gölök Z. L. F. Buday -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me,and I think that's pretty important. -- Martin Luther King Jr. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall." -- Thomas Paine, The Age Of Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are not afraid to follow the truth where ever it may lead, nor [afraid] to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it." -- Thomas Jefferson -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A Republic, Not An Empire." -- Patrick J. Buchanan, Title of His Book and a point about the USoA. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X-Etcetera... PS I am not, nor have been, known as Grant Buday PPS Not Che from † Download Free Agent Free Agent Product PageFree Agent Product Page Google Groups: The Absent Mind™, Closet Libertarian™, Black Magus™, Bible Thumper™, Blow Load™, The Voltairian™, The Atomic Wedge™, Wanna-B™, The Black Jester™, Füt Draegger™, [Rev.] Lucy Für™, The Blue Angel™, The Black Angel™, Riley Bitterman™, Miss Anne Thrope™, I.M Liberal™, Red Kroch™,Pyromaniac of Madison County™, The Esoterrorist™, Jean(-)Paul(-)Satire™, Phil Lander(s)™, Mental Midget Slayer™, George Steponallofus™, Daemon Mailer Auto-Responder and Part Time Slave Gimp™ and any other origional works are trademarks of Gölök Buday and all Constitutional and Intellectual Rights Are Reserved. 246 Lines As Opposed To 1300 Lines on Sig File. @ 32bitx1280x1024 Res.